The Chronicles Of Lescoban: Chapter 1- Peasant Girl The wind blew harshly at my face, already numb with cold. Ugh. Why did I always have to get her? Why couldn't Father get her? "Because your father has to take care of preparing the produce for market," I mimicked my mother. Blech. It's not fair. My name was Jennifer. Just Jennifer. No last name. My parents liked to call me Jen. They weren't my true parents. When I was a baby, they found me hiding among the debris of a battle that had passed. I was only a few days old when they found me. They figured that I had been traveling with my birth parents and we had been attacked by the monsters of Mordell. Lescoban's ancient enemy. So they took me and raised me as their own. Even though #life as a farmer's daughter was tough, I wouldn't trade it for the world. My #life was completely normal. I had normal Lescobanian parents and a normal stubborn ass heifer named Minnie. At least I wasn't living at the castle. I'd kill myself before I let that happen. I hated the royalty. They thought they could just boss us around. The knights were just as bad. But we still had to respect them. Even though they were arrogant, stuck-up snobs. Whenever I mentioned that to my mother, she always scolded me and told me to respect them. I know deep down in her heart, though, she hated them just as much as I did. Well, maybe not as much. I know for a fact though that she didn't approve of the way they run things in Lescoban. Same with my father. Every night he came home from market, he'd start complaining about how tough it was to sell produce at market. Ugh. Stupid royals. I ducked under a low branch as I climbed up the hill, heading to where she normally was. I clutched the rope halter tightly in my hands, the wind trying to steal it away. Thunder struck over head and I gasped. I needed to find her now! Lescobanian storms didn't happen too often, but when they did, all hell broke loose. Finally, I reached the pasture where she was. I sighed in relief. She hasn't spooked from the storm. Yet. "Minnie," I crooned, slowly walking towards her. "Come on. Time to go home." The old brown heifer lifted her head, mooing slightly at my sudden appearance. I reached her and slowly slid the halter on her, stroking her neck softly. "That's my good girl," I said, smiling. I tightened the halter and started pulling her along back down the mountain towards our farm. As we trudged along, the wind picked up even more and rain started pouring down in torrents. Within minutes I was entirely soaked, my clothes clinging to my skin. Minnie wasn't too fond of the weather either. She thrashed her head around every time it thundered, nearly ripping my arm out of its socket. Suddenly, lightning struck right next to us. Minnie screamed a moo and bolted. I held on to the rope as long as I could, but the rope burned my hands. "MINNIE!" I screamed. I took a step forward to try to go after her, but I tripped. The next thing I knew, I was tumbling down a steep and muddy incline. Branches and rocks snagged my clothes, tearing them and cutting my skin. Finally, I landed in a muddy heap at the bottom of the incline. Groaning, I tried getting up. My hands burned from the rope and the mud wasn't exactly helping. At some point during my fall, a sharp rock cut into my leg. Blood was sliding down with the rain into the mud. It burned like bloody hell. I held my hand against the cut, keeping pressure against it as I got up on my knees. "MINNIE!!" I screamed again. Where was that goddamn cow?! After several more attempts with no success, I gave up. The damn stubborn heifer had taken off and I needed to get home to take care of this cut. Groaning, I forced myself to stand up. I tried to keep as much weight off my hurt leg as much as I possibly could. The sky was a very dark grey, brightening as lightning raced across the sky. The rain relentlessly continued to pour down. Wincing, I took a step forward, gasping as pain raced through my leg. It was still bleeding, badly. Taking my shirt in my hands, I tore a strip off and tied it around the injury. I had to stop the bleeding somehow. Suddenly, there was a noise to my right. I turned to see what it was. Nothing. There was nothing there that could have caused the noise. How peculiar. Then I heard it again. This time behind me. "Hello?" I called out. "Is someone there?" Nothing again. I tried again. This time louder. "Hello? I'm hurt. I fell and injured my leg. Can you help me?" Again there was no answer. I felt like a fool calling out for help when obviously there was no one there. Wincing, I turned to leave but froze as I heard a ferocious snarl behind me. I slowly turned around, biting my lip, and faced the beast behind me. Standing above me on a ledge was a massive black wolf. Instantly, I knew what it was. The beast was a Lescobanian Loup Garou. A wolf bred to destroy unknown people within the forest. Only royals could control them. They had a special link with the beasts. The wolves knew which people were royals and which were not. And this one knew I wasn't. It bared its sharp teeth at me, snarling viciously and crouched low. Ready to pounce and end my #life. Shaking in terror, I closed my eyes and bowed my head. Waiting for the end. If only I was able to say goodbye to my parents..... Suddenly, I heard the beast stop snarling. I knew it was about to pounce. So I waited. I'm not sure how long I waited, but the beast wasn't attacking. Frowning, I opened my eyes and looked up at the beast. It stood there with its head tilted, looking at me curiously. I didn't move a muscle. Why it wasn't attacking was beyond me. Then without any warning, it crouched low and lunged. I shrieked and ducked, covering my head. When the beast didn't land on me, I looked up just as it took off running through the woods. I blinked. What the hell just happened? Hey all! So here's the very first chapter of the book. I hope you enjoyed it. But what do you guys think happened? I wanna hear your thoughts! Comment what you think happened!

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