Translate   12 years ago

Side-Story: The Vision It was a cloudy day. The rain had just stopped and a plane had just landed in arrival. The storm seemed to have left when he came back. We’re up at Okka Point, where our spot used to be, where my fairytale dream fantasy came to #life. “It still amazes me every time I come here,” Jake said. “I know,” I replied, “It’s so calming and breathtaking up here.” I looked at him and remembered all the memories we had before. In my thoughts I was asking this question I had always asked myself. Though I knew the answer to it already, I still kept asking myself. Then as I thought of this, I closed my eyes. “Can’t we start over again and make it last this time?” The question just slipped my lips. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He slowly turned his head and our eyes met. I felt myself tense and blush. I didn’t know what to think anymore because my head was just around that question. “I told you,” he finally said, “I’m not looking for a relationship right now. I don’t know if I’m ready for another one and it’s just going to distract me.” “Oh,” I replied. In my mind, I couldn’t think straight. I felt myself slipping away and I didn’t know what was really going on anymore. “Ready to go?” he said. His voice startled me and I jumped. He held onto me and I just doze off. My mind wandered and I didn’t know where I was or where I was going anymore. It was like Jake drained me of all my sanity. “Yeah,” I finally replied after gathering my words together. I turned around first and I started walking towards his car. He was just a feet away when I turned around and started running towards the edge of the cliff. He looked at me with confusion and then terror engulfed him as he put the puzzles of my actions together. Before he could stop me, I found myself in mid-air. It was as though I was flying. Then out from nowhere, time stopped and I saw my deceased cousin. She was as beautiful as before and her hand stretched out to me. “Take my hand Pearl,” her voice was soft as she called out to me. I reached for her and I found myself floating. She embraced me, and I felt warm and safe within her arms. She breathed a huge breath of relief and held me tighter. “Come with me,” she invited me, “I’ll show you how things will be after this incident. I hope you’ll learn from this mistake.” I just nodded in response. I looked down and saw my corpse lying bloodily and shattered among the rocks. Jake, terrified and in distress, panicked and called 911. The police arrived and interrogated him about what had happened. He was crying and I saw the pain in his eyes as he answered every one of the officer’s questions. I didn’t know what to say or think anymore than that. I just wanted to look away and leave. I cried and sobbed as his pain surrounded me. I looked at my cousin and she nodded at my tears. “You haven’t seen everything,” she said softly, “With the actions you have committed, things have been a struggle for those who cared and loved you so much. And this whole thing for just a guy? Think your actions through Pearl. Let’s go see your parents.” I nodded and just followed her. I closed my eyes and felt a warm light engulf me. When I opened my eyes, I was at home. I saw Mama and Papa crying and sobbing as Jake told them the terrifying news. My brother also cried and seeing all their pain, I felt as if their misery is my entire fault. I couldn’t make out of the emotions I was feelings. I didn’t want to know anymore, but I didn’t say anything to my cousin because I knew that she was doing this to teach me a lesson. As much as I wanted to turn back the time, I knew that wasn’t possible anymore. What has been done is done and is irreplaceable. My cousin saw my distress and discomfort. “Everything will be okay in the end,” she assured me, “You’ll see.” Then she smiled. That smile gave me hope about the rest of the events that were to come. The next thing she showed me was my funeral. I didn’t know what to think. There were a lot of people and it was held at JBC, my church. Although my parents were Catholic, they thought about my church and decided that it would be what I wanted. All my friends were there and they were all crying. Carmela, my bestest best sister, and Stephanie, my bestest best friend, were sobbing the most. They were the ones I was closest to. My family and friends all went to my funeral. I got cremated and was placed next to my cousin’s grave. I smiled then. “Don’t get too comfortable yet my beloved cousin,” she said, “There are more to come.” Time started to speed up. Everything looked blurred and I closed my eyes once again. “This is 3 years from now,” she informed me, “Open your eyes and see the damages you’ve caused.” Terror surfaced from the depths of my senses. I opened my eyes. I saw my parents, still grieving. My brother had succeeded and joined the military. My cousins and my grandma had separated from my family’s premises. Then everything blurred and skipped to Carmela and Stephanie. Stephanie was working, but still grieving as well. Carmela moved back to New Jersey and continued college to get her PhD in Nursing. And my other friends lived their lives casually. All of them were saved after my funeral. I was happy, but I was still troubled about what had happened. “Ready to know what happened to your friend?” Her question startled me. I nodded. Everything blurred once again and when my vision cleared, we were standing in front of a huge house. It was a two story duplex, with a purple gate. The color of the house was a combination of purple, pink, and blue. There was also a dash of black and red around the exterior of the house. “It’s beautiful!” I exclaimed to my cousin. “Of course,” she replied with a smile, “He dedicated it to you.” “Really?!” “Yes. That’s how much he loves you.” “Loves?” I asked in confusion. I didn’t get a reply from her. Then I saw Jake step out of the huge house. He wore a white suit with a red tie and black pants. He drove a black BMW Convertible detailed with red and yellow flames. “Does he have a family now?” I asked my cousin. “No,” she replied. “Oh.” As he drove out of his driveway, I started to wonder where he was going. “Let’s go find out,” my cousin said, as if she could read my mind. I nodded my head and we followed the car to the Naval Base. He entered the premises and so did we. He worked as an accountant in one of the branches in the base. Then his secretary bought him coffee and kissed him on the cheek. I felt a wave of jealousy, but I shook it off. He turned to her and eyed her. “Do you want to get fired?” he questioned. “No sir,” she replied worriedly, “I just thought you might need comfort for your troubles.” “Stop using your vocabulary to talk to me.” “I’m sorry sir. It won’t happen again.” “Get back to your work.” “Yes sir.” I never saw him irritated. This was the first time. I didn’t know why, but I felt that he didn’t want to get involved with anyone right now. As I watched his actions the whole day, I realized that he was working his butt off and trying to be as busy as possible. “He’s trying to be strong after everything,” my cousin told me. “He didn’t want to be involved with anyone else because you’re still the one he wants to be with. After what happened, he realized how much he wanted and needed no one else but you. He loved you and still loves you even after you have passed. He doesn’t want anyone to take your place because as he had said, ‘You’re unique among all other girls out there.’ Pearl, you’re irreplaceable to him. At least he’s saved; you’ll be able to see him again.” I just stared as I listened to what my cousin was telling me. I watched the guy I had loved, and still love, work in grief and agony. Tears formed in my eyes and I started to feel my throat tighten. My cousin held me as I started to sob and cry. After a while, I started to realize that a lot of people got really affected and hurt because of what I had done. I wanted to turn back time and re-do everything. I just cried and sobbed as my cousin held me. “Now do you know the effects of your actions,” she said after a while. “Yes,” I replied between sobs, “I’m sorry. I wish I could turn back the time to undo what I have done. I can’t believe what I did to everyone I love. I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay,” she assured me calmly, “Didn’t I say that everything will be okay? I just wanted to show you what would happen if you make that choice. Now you know the things that will occur after your decisions were made. So we’re going to start over. Are you ready?” I was confused, but I just nodded my head. With that, she took hold of my hand and everything spun around. I had to close my eyes because I felt sick watching the blur of colors whirl pass me by. After a while, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and there I was, back at Okka Point with Jake. I was astound and shocked to find myself back there. I was thanking God and my cousin that time had been restored and that they had granted my prayers. “Are you okay Pearl?” He was looking at me with concern and pain in his eyes. I started to feel the red hot tears build up in my eyes, but I didn’t care whether I cried there hysterically or whatnot. I grabbed him and pulled him close to me. “I’m sorry for everything,” I started to sob as I spoke the words I intended to tell him. “If I don’t care if you don’t love me anymore. I don’t care if you leave me hanging for the 20th time. I don’t care what other people would say. I don’t care if I have to hold back my feelings for you to make you happy. I don’t care. As long as I know you’re okay and content with everything right now, Jake, I’m willing to sacrifice everything for your happiness. I’m sorry but I have to tell you this one last time. I love you.” I felt the wave of emotion overcome my whole being as I wait for his response. He didn’t say a word but held onto me for dear #life. Then he pulled away and looked into my tearful eyes. “I’m sorry too, for causing you so much pain,” he started. “I never intended you to be tortured and I’m sorry if I’m also holding back on my feelings too. Truth is, I thought not loving you was going to make you feel better and make you happy, but I guess I’m wrong again. I’m so sorry Pearl. Don’t say ‘I love you’ for the last time because I’d want to hear you tell me you love me more every day. I love you too Pearl, more than you’ll ever know.” He pulled me closer and kissed me. There at Okka Point, where my fairytale dream fantasy came to #life, my fairytale began to turn once again. It gave me reason to keep going with #life and never give up on my love for the one person who made a fairytale of my #life.

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