Translate   11 years ago

Yes, This Is Happening To You.... In a somewhat (possibly) misguided attempt at extracting myself from painful memories (and damn nosey people!!) I have forced a self imposed Facebook exile upon my (not so) good person. So here I am, writing random rubbish because I miss posting on Facebook, however I'm slightly confused. Following people!? I'm not in the habit of stalking, unless you are Michael Bolton or Tim Minchin - 'tis true, sadly I quite often mosey (fabulous word - not sure i have have the correct gait for moseying but I try.) down to Crouch End Starbucks on the off chance Tim Minchin wanders in. At which point I plan to inhale sharply and then stare at the table or my feet until he is gone. I digress, I had a point, I did, I think. Oh PANTS. Slightly confused about the following strangers thing and have just noticed the wee Facebook icon at the top of the page. There is evil afoot. AWAY!! xTx

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