Two Hundred Miles West Ago Two hundred miles west ago, the sparkles dulled their shine, the golden glitter filed out, a single file line. Two hundred miles west ago, the darkness of the shore, the subtle, quiet, lonliness had broken to a ROAR. Two hundred miles west ago, the sun rose like a dove. The inky darkness bled into the heavens up above. Two hundred miles west ago, The sea and sky were same, the rosy colors bounced off waves that nature had retained. Two hundred miles west ago, I found the final score. I got my cheaters letter and I broke the ocean floor. Two hundred miles west ago, the ocean poured from eyes, the tidal waves had beat me down, retreated to the skies. I hate myself, I hate myself, for all that I have done, Two hundred miles west ago, My fingers grazed the sun. The road that I have taken is a road that some have passed. Two hundred miles west ago, I learned to love my last. (I sent this #poem into a nation-wide poetry contest, and I just wanna know what you think of it Is it good enough to get put in the winners book? :/)
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