Translate   11 years ago

In Need Of Hope So this is the first piece i've ever written.I know its a bit skecthy...but theres a first time for everything What if i was blind And could not see the terrors of the world? What if i was deaf And could not hear the horror the world was told? What if i had no soul So as to have no empathy? What if i could not love So as not to feel the warmth of happiness? Or if i could Then to face rejection an pain, Like a hole in my heart. Too much grief and pain to carry indeed. Like the weight of the sky on Atlas' shoulder. Carrying every thought within me But able to express them not. Pray I did to God every night For a strand of hope For a reason to live For a reason to let go For a reason to love But alas the Fates have not yet decided, A place for me in the Cosmos. I was once invincible, invulnerable...impervious But as achilles an his heel, I too have a weakness within me...within my heart Scars, scratches and cuts Would one day be just a reminder of what it was like. What it was like to wonder. What if?

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