Dream Boy Chapter 1: I had a dream it was a nice dream I had. It was exciting because I went in to town. And I see a pet shop. I went in and I see a woman who works there. I said hello to her. And she said hello back. She said that she needs help with the pets in the cage so I did. There was a snake,cats,dogs,lizard and a wolf dog there where some fishes in a tank. I had to clean it all down so the pet shop looked good for the business. And for the customers to be happy with the hard work. And there was a girl looks like my cousin at Borth. yes this girl in my dream was Lily she has a mum call Vicky and a dad that works at the garage. His name is Alexander he is happy what he's doing in his live time and helping out everyone in need for help but this time he was busy at work so he was lucky that I was there to help out so Vicky was happy and Lily to. So I said to Vicky that is the boss in the pet shop. Because I helped you out can I have the job I said. she said yes of course you can same time next week I said yes ok see u soon. So I got up looking forward to the next dream but wait my home phone is calling so I picked up my home phone. I said hello who is it I asked. And she said it is Lily can u help my mum in the pet shop. You did say you will I was afraid because is this a dream or is this my nightmare I thought in my head.

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