Translate   11 years ago

Annabell There was a little girl and her name was Annabell she had a doll called polly she took polly everywhere then one day Annabell went to a party and of course took polly but she left polly behind. That night the little girl got a phone call the person on the other end said 'Annabell I'm outside yor house!' Annabell hung up and went to sleep. Later she heard the back door open and close then she heard 'Annabell I'm coming up your stairs!' Annabell went back to sleep. Then there was a knock on her bedroom door and someone said 'Annabell I'm outside your bedroom door!' thinking her dad was playing a practical joke Annabell went back to sleep. Someone entered her room and said 'Annabell I'm inside your bedroom!!' then she heard 'Annabell I'm by your bedside table and I'm going to KILL you!!' that morning was Annabell's birthday and her parents went into her bedroom with presents but she wasn't there they searched the house when they went into the basement the wall was smeared with Annabell's blood it said 'you should never have forgotten me' So remember where your doll is?? Beware she could get REVENGE!!!!!!

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