Society So today this blog is going to touch/be about religion/faiths/beliefs and opinions. *WARNING: In case I sound like an arrogant prick I promise you I am not. Also I do not wish to offend anyone, and thanks for reading this.* So today my mum and I went down to London. In case anyone should ask to buy fabrics for curtains and spend some much needed quality time. Anyways we'd finished shopping and were walking back to the train station. When we noticed a large crowd around these two women who were shouting. At first we thought nothing of it until we got closer. Now before I say anything no matter which religion they were from I still would have posted this and had a problem with it. They were from a Christian group, and as I walked past a guy next to me who was holding hands with a guy (I presume his boyfriend/partner). Now one of them had a cross on a necklace around his neck and they looked fairly happy is until one of the women screamed at him the following words 'You are damning the good name of the lord. You will go to hell and bring all with you.' I personally was quite shocked as was my mum, we're both pretty open minded people and as long what your doing isn't seriously harming others/yourself. Against a sane and sensible law we pretty much have no problem. I was willing to stand up to this woman before an old lady got there first. She must have been at least 80 she walked up to the woman who'd shouted and said 'Well at least their bloody well enjoying their lives, whereas you are upsetting and hurting others and if there is a god why the hell would he let you do this in the street to innocent people? Now I suggest you piss off'. Turned and walked away. Everyone kinda just stood there staring at this old lady. It made me wonder why people have a problem with homesexuals/bisexuals I mean as long as there with the people they love. They're not hurting anyone/causing a problem then whats the issue?? Marriage should be about making a vow to the person you love that you will always stay and stand with them no matter what and care for them. I know originally it was to do with money and the right to have children. But now its evolved to something different and I think we should kind of except it. Religions say its not right to love the same gender but I don't think there's a choice its all to do with the brain and its chemicals. We can't help who we're attracted to. So why not just let people believe whatever they want to and as long as they live their lives within sane and sensible laws and don't do stupid crap which could harm themselves and others?? Well anyways that's more then enough from me. Toodlepip!
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