Traducciones   12 años

Claim To Fame #disabilityaware She started out with little faith, Her dreams were only dreams. She lacked the confidence to shine through, Her attitude with no gleam. She liked to swim in her free time, Release the anger from inside. An outsider to everyone else, Instead of playing, she would hide. But in the pool she was a star, Her power beyond belief. Though not 'able' like the other girls, The water was her release. Her mother was so proud of her, Wanted her to go real far. But after all the hatred how could she feel like a star? The girls would pick on how she was, The things out of her control. Nothing could make them stop their ways, In her heart lay a big hole. But there were some who helped her through, Supported all her aims. And one day out of pure belief, She made her claim to fame. You see, this girl could really swim, Her legs held so much power. And once she got a taste for it, She'd swim and swim for hours! With practice she became so fast, Beat the others with her kicks. You'll see her now, the fame she is At the next Paralympics! © @oushie12 January 3rd 2013

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