Traducciones   12 años

The Flow From time to time one gains some inkling of the shades and themes of a great sensitivity that lies at the heart of the human mind. Without bound or impediment, it stretches to touch all of the world. Don't hold that you have grasped my meaning Distracted from the reflection on the water's surface. Rather go diving in the fullness of #life; Rather admit to the enigma within; Rather permit the broken to lie with the changeless; For the heart of the matter lies close to the wound. Now some of you won't hear such singing And many of you won't see this world. But silence in motion, stillness, agility, All of this lives in us, all of this soars. See the key principal, rework what is done; Enter the mystery and let your mind run . . . Let there be limitless unbinding. For all rests as serene music In the depths of the flow.

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