Translate   12 years ago

FA.TIMA It all began in 1920 When the wife of a traveling gypsy gave birth to their first born baby girl named Fa.tima. When she was born her father threw a big celebration and invited gypsy's. from all over. As they rushed back to the camp her father big mike also known as Buddha called upon his mother and his sisters and told them to gather all the women to prepare the food for the feast so his mother yelled in a loud voice saying hi.dae girls which means come on girls we have work to do. As the pig's were being roasted over the campfire and the was being wrapped which is a traditional stuffed cabbage dish fresh bread was needed by hand all different types of desserts as the woman were cooking, The men begun to play guitars' around the campfire as night true All the guest have arrived Her father stood up and gave thanks to everyone who attended the celebration and all of the Guest who showed up he said in my owner this gift is for all of you he called upon to his sister's to dance for the Guest of the party. normally he would call upon his wife to dance but to the fact that she just had a baby. She was considered which means unclenched. As Frank played the guitar a beautiful sweet seductive gypsy melody played from his fingertips As he stood up and his three sisters approached the Camp fire he began to sing while he was singing his three sisters stood behind him swaying in the background moving there hand's over their head's one Had her hand on her hip and the other hand in the air moving ever so gracefully to the Gypsy music He began to sing his song.. Up on the Terrace where the snow is really deep come little one I have food for you to eat. Oh the gypsy. What a gypsy never again well I watch those gypsy's dance... As the tempo of the song picked up And he's Sister's started to dance faster. He started singing the second verse round and round they go while they dance! While your watch you we'll find romance! Oh the gypsy what a gypsy never again will I watch those gypsy's dance. I saw a gypsy girl grab her bye the hand I tried to kiss her she slapped me and she ran..! Oh. The gypsy what a gypsy never again will I watch those gypsy's dance. Now we were drinking wine and we were feeling fine to a gypsy... Dance!!!!!... As time went on six weeks came to pass and now pea.po was no longer considered ma.dimay she slowly came out of the caravan holding her new baby right away her husband Big mike got the baby from her and presented the baby to his father. Instantly baby FA.TIMA went from hand to hand from person to person. when her mother got her back FA.TIMA was crying so bad they tried so many things to stop her from crying. what ever they did she just got louder and louder to the point where she was losing her breath she could not breathe her face was turning blue when Buddha's mother heard what is going on she ran to the campfire and grabbed a piece of wood that was on fire blew out the fire and placed it in her mouth she. made everybody stand a single file line that held the baby she grabbed a cup of water she went to the first person that was Lola she took a sip of water and nothing happened. She got to the second person his name was Joe she took a sip of water looked into his eyes and nothing happened a few more people down the line she went when she got to the seventh person her name was Ruby she took a sip of water and stared ruby in the eyes instantly water and fire boiled out of her mouth she spit the piece of wood at Ruby's feet She grabbed the baby and made ruby take her finger and make a across on the babies for head instantly babyFA.TIMA stop crying and her color came back. Well the old women were talking about what happened they new what to do her grandmother sews her a red pouch inside this pouch was garlic cloves frankincense a baby cross and witch vomit that only appear on certain trees once a year they put it on her clothes. A few years went by And FA.TIMA now was five years old outside the caravan she heard a lot ruckus where she came out of the caravan she saw seven new caravan's but these caravans were different then the one's she saw before these caravan's Where really big the they were red blue and green they had gold trim all around in the wheels where ruby's and pearls the horses were all white when she came out to see she saw the doors open wide the foot ladders came folding down a man came out of the first one with a guitar playing it so fast. with the other doors open Came Out seven beautiful girls with these most beautiful dresses the finest chiffon and silk the beautiful bright colors she never seen that before the #life they came out dancing So beautifully. so gracefully. They start. To stomp their feet in the ground while they were dancing one jumped in the air and kicked her feet behind and lead on the heels of her shoes everybody in our camp went crazy and started to clap and cheer. When her father came to see what was going on he dropped his pipe Put his hands in the air and told everybody to be quiet! In a loud voice. He hollered Jerry is that you? Yes it is Buddha. It is I jerry out of the jerry boys from Denver Colorado He ran and gave Jerry a hug welcoming him. Buddha looked his brothers and told them to tell the girls to get ready for a welcoming party. As the girls got prepared. Buddha and Jerry got to talking. buddha ask Jerry is everything okay what are you doing here? Jerry reply yes everything is fine laughing. Buddha my family is getting bigger and my girls are getting older I have to find good homes for them so we packed up our camp and we started to travel and now were here. I'm looking to get daughter-in-law's. and two give daughter-in-law's. Buddha replied and said well my friend you came to the right place we have boys and girls all over the place good hard-working boys. And very pretty money making girls they sing and dance to so I'm pretty sure you will find what you're looking for my friend I will see to it that you do, come on let's go have a drink by the fire and see what the boys are talking about Now that the boys were talking and all drinking around the campfire. the woman were getting things ready for the feast Pae.po and Jerry's wife lou.lou.g was talking Lou.lou.g asked Pae.po, A Pae.po who are all these girls I'm looking for a few good girls for my son's which son are you looking to get married? Lou.lou.g replied and said my oldest frank. Ok said Pae.po you want that one right there her name is Rachel she is sitting by the tree fixing bread go over and talk to her. Lou.lou.g replied and said are you crazy! I'm not just going to go over and talk to the little girl she was laughing tell me a little bit about her. Pae.po told her what is it that you need to know she is very pretty she makes good money she tells great fortune that's all you need in #life. who's her mother who's her family, asked Lou.lou.g? She is tommy and do.da's daughter she will be good for you she comes from a good family go over and talk to her. Lou.lou.g said I'm not going anywhere let the motherfucker come to me! Hay you girl! Are you talking to me said Rachel? Yes said Lou.lou.g come here. When Rachel got up and Lou.lou.g saw how tall she was how beautiful her hair was she had two braids coming down the side of her head they reached all the way to the bottom of her feet and then back up to the top of her head. Lou.lou.g Said to her oh my God your hair is so beautiful. you are so pretty thank you said Rachel where is your mother? My mother is in the caravan with my brother and sister call her to me said Lou.lou.g,

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