You Were My Soulmate They say you'll know when you've met your soulmate....and I knew. With one glance when our eyes would meet and I'd fall apart inside. His eyes would burn through my body, into my soul and I couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to allow myself to become completely at his mercy. When he spoke, I found myself mesmerised and hopelessly falling further for his charms. Then when his lips would gently touch mine, I could feel my heart beat blood through my entire body. When his hands held my face, he held me like he was handling something precious. Then as his breath followed his mouth from my lips to my neck, I felt like my legs would give way at any time. When we became one, I knew I would never feel this way with another because.... ....he was my soulmate and in this case, soulmates aren't for #life. A soulmate can come into your #life and show you a love you didn't know existed but you should be truly blessed's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all....xxxxxxxxxx
Gary ð¬ð§
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Victoria Byrne
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