Red Pill: Painful Truth of Reality Theirs no such thing as real it’s just evolution Underneath your toupee your still deluded from the real pollution Genocide to the real race in gas chambers, that’s a Hitler solution While Bambi was eaten by the ‘hypebeast’ now that’s an execution Real is a woman dressed in fancy clothing being undressed with self-comforting persuasions of Gok-Wan Then when naked we realise you’re the same thing and I’ve already Got-Wan (got one) maybe two or three Media mind tricks disciples of Obi-Wan Kenobi Hollywood walk of fame I now bring you star wars, A strip where money is the matter funding an orbital space with pre-scripted chatter, idolised gods in unholy batter causes neurotoxin shut down of the death adder, Satana in a red dress full of chatter in hope of the grand amore Real love is a tour, if coidus is more than four then the grand amore is never more Purity is a chore and if done right the ring of eternity could be yours However, real people have flaws and if you are real enough to admit that, I applause That you are not a victim of the blissful ignorance of illusion, a cause of the blue pill grants confusion that the reality you are accustomed to is a lie, you are a prisoner of the mental prison We are a blind society, bounded by shackles in the matrix of a distorted vision Lead by the Artificial intelligence programme called C.L.E.G.G Commanding leader of the European global genocide Its guaranteed were gonna die, so we ride this religious tide for the last remaining years of our #life’s, searching for encrypted messages in the book of Eli, where the so called truth lies but we don’t know what to believe, is the prediction real or what King James perceives Years of Chinese whispers and hundreds of wasted trees, Who’s responsible for these belligerent crimes published a thousand times, By old men with a bad case of nostalgia enjoying too much bread and red wine.

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