Everything The flame inside me has burnt. Burned itself. Now all that remain are the ashes of what I was, my feelings, my memories. Your laughter, your love, our link. Our souls have gone against each other. They're scared of the one thing that can't hurt them. That won't hurt them. They're waiting for change. Maybe change isn't the answer. She's lost and turned stubborn. Maybe fearless. She doesn't trust, but aches for his hand. She's so sorry, yet so angry. Doesn't know where to walk to, so she's running. Running from herself. Running from her soul mate. Running to anywhere where there's nothing. Betrayal is what she had learnt. Betrayal is what she now knows. Betrayal is the word tattooed across her head. At the pit of her soul, of what is left, she protects the ashes that remain- with everything she possess. She gives herself up to him, again and again and again. To the other lost soul. To her other half. She hugs him, tight, strong. He holds her, close, but just close so she can't leave. Close enough to make her believe. She finds herself lost in places where there is always nothing. She gave herself up to nothing. Was once something; everything.

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