Torn Torn Present Day Scarlett stared at the pregnancy test in the bathroom of rex's apartment. She had not been feeling well lately and she had a hunch as to why. A woman's intuition she thought and she was right. Two pink lines. She was pregnant. Pregnant with his kid. She had mixed feelings about it. But to her it was great. She loved Rex so much and she couldn't wait to tell him. A baby growing in her. She smiled at herself in the mirror and touched her belly. She thought about the first time they had sex. He was so gentle with her and his touch made her want more. She had loved him so much since high school but she didn't want to show it. He was the only one who understood her. She then looked at the test again and smiled and then walked to the living room with the test in her hands. She had a firm grip on it. She dropped it on a table beside her and to decided to rest on the couch. Rex had gone out to clear his mind and see if he could buy some things. Her mind recreated what he did before he left. " I will be back soon okay. Don't open the door for anyone. Then he kissed her on the mouth. His kiss was so gentle and Scarlett responded to him by with all the love in her heart and tried to bring him closer to her but Rex retreated and said tonight okay?" Then he smiled and left her. Gosh she loved him so much but how he will feel about the baby? Would he be happy or sad? That made her frown now and also the situation now made him scared. Someone was had been following her and sending threatening letters, sick letters then but thank God she found rex. Then suddenly she heard someone kick the door in. She quickly jumped to her feet to see men in black suits throwing things apart in the room. "Where is he?"The men shouted at her. The he saw one grab the lamp and smash it against the wall. One of them came to her grabbed her, shook her and screamed in her face. " Where is he?" Scarlett didn't say anything. She was too scared to say anything. Then the guy holding her slapped her hard enough that her head hit the lamp table. The only thing she saw next blackness. Rex walked slowly through the corridor of his apartment. So much was on his mind. " Im scared Rex" Scarlett said last night. Scared. He was scared as well but he didn't want to show it but how long were they going to keep running? Keep running from the clear and present danger. All his thoughts was on how as he kept on walking. Then he saw it. The door open. The door which she told Scarlett not to open for anyone except him. He dashed quickly through the corridor to see what was amiss. He hoped that they hadn't come to her. That they haven't found them so soon. When he reached his room his saw that the door had been kicked in and the whole room was ransacked. Everything was upside down. He was so shocked that it happened so soon. He thought they had enough time. Then something caught his eye while he was standing at the doorway. Something red on the lamp stand. The lamp was on the floor but this red pigment was on the stand .Rex walked closer to see what is was. When he was standing next to it,he touched it with his index finger and instantly knew what it was. Blood. Her blood. That shocked him to his soul. Scarlett was gone. He couldn't protect her. Tears was rolling down his cheeks now as he sat on the bed. Last night he had possessed her but now she was gone. Then his phone rang. He didn't want to pick it up since he needed to think right now but he picked it up and said " Hello" "Rex please help me. I love....." Scarlett said on the phone in a frantic voice. " Scarlett!!, are you alright Scarlett?!!! " Rex screamed into the phone. But no reply came just static. Then he heard someone laughing over the phone. It was the voice of a grown man in his thirties. " You son of a bitch. I want you to know this. She isn't coming back to you until you bring us a million bucks to the drop point which we tell you later. I don't care how you get it. But if you don't bring it then she is gone. I think she still wants to say something so here you go" the man said " Rex I'm ok. Pls I beg of you save me. I want........." Scarlett said. " "Okay you have had your chance" the man said. Another old friend wants to say hi" the man said again " Hello Rex" another voice said but there was something familiar about this voice. " I see you don't remember me." The voice said. Then Rex did. " Zachary" he said. " You guessed right you bastard. Always the hero huh. You couldn't let me let me have her. Always the cowboy, always the saviour and the stupid bitch as well. While she was with me always talking about you. Oh Rex is so cool. I wonder why he doing that? Oh Rex has such a cool car don't you think?" Even smiling at you while she is with me!! My best friend!! I even sabotaged your car to get rid of you you bastard." Zachary said. Rex on the other line was sad and silent but he couldn't believe it. Zachary did that? He almost killed them both. " But you didn't die you came back. Always the cowboy. Well now things are going to change. This time you have earn her. Every penny. Bring the money or Rex, you will pick up her dead bitch in a dumpster. Right now she is mine. I can do almost anything to her and I guess you should know this. She is pregnant with your kid" Zachary said. Rex was shocked. He couldn't speak. Pregnant they didn't have sex that many times and how did he know?. " I trust she was good in bed. Quite beautiful isn't she? Yeah you will know that since she didn't wanna do me ever. She was a virgin wasn't she?Anyway where was I yes. Congratulations u are a father. In case you are wondering how i know? My men found a pregnancy test which said had two pink lines on it and well done. I didn't think you had it in you. Anyway await instructions and Rex know this. She is at my mercy. I can't promise that I would be too gentle with her" Then the line then went dead. Rex couldn't speak. Not one word could come out. "Damn it he said out loud and combed his blond hair with his hands. Then tears started flowing down his cheeks. He tried to wipe them away but they kept on flowing from his eyes. He was angry at Zachary that bastard. How could he have done this to them? How could he? All because he couldn't have her so now he wants to make them suffer. Now he was alone and scared. What was he going to do? If he made the wrong move Scarlett was going to be killed and he didn't want that but what scared him more was the fact she was pregnant with his kid as well. Damn the first time they lost their virginity to each other he forget to use protection. Kinda got caught in the moment. Their first time he could still picture everything that happened. Her soft sobs against his shoulder the first time they had sex and how she reacted to him. Her hands..... and everything that happened. Every second of that night meant so much to me but now what was he going to do? A Cold Million dollars. Where was he going to get that kind of money? He could go to his family for help. His family, he hated those family. All he wanted to be was Rex Smith the guy who owned a Mustag Gt. but he was trying to be someone who he wasn't. He was truly Mr Rex Smith the son o John And Tracy Smith. A very wealthy family who had connections everywhere. They could provide the million dollars for him to save Scarlett but he didn't want help from them. He hated the way their family was run by money and that's why he left them to live a normal hardworking #life but they were the only one he could turn to now. He got up and dashed out the door of his apartment to his Mustang Gt parked outside. While in his car he called his dad "Hello Dad" he said " Rex?" John said. John was a heavily built man in his forties. He was not to tall and had a scar on his mouth that he got as a child. No amount of surgery that he had done erased that scar. He had blonde hair just like him and was a man a peaceful man. Like father like son. " Son are you ok? Your mother and I have missed you so much please come home. Come home to Your family?" John said " Dad I don't want talk about that now ok. I need your help on something but I can't talk over the phone. I'm coming home cause something bad has happened dad. Something bad has happened to Scarlett." Rex said almost in tears. "Scarlett? What has happened to that poor girl now ?" John said anxious over the phone. " Dad it's much worse that last time. Much worse. I will explain everything once I come home". Somewhere Scarlett opened her eyes to see the ceiling of the room she was lying in. The turned to see the sun pierce the drapes. What had happened and like lighting she remembered the whole thing. She started to cry on the bed on her pillows then she heard the door unlock and saw Zachary walking in with a smile on his face holding a box of pizza in his hands. Zachary had the same height as Rex. He was clean shaven and was quite handsome just like Rex. He was wearing a black suit just like his goons. However he had cut his black circle hair which he had. " Scarlett I can see you are awake?" Zachary said to Scarlett who had pulled the blankets up to her chin and was pushing against the wall even though there wasn't much space to move anymore." Oh come on don't give me that look." Zachary said in a sacarstic way. He was standing close to the bed now with the pizza in his hands. " I said don't give me that look! You damn bitch" Zachary said throwing the pizza against the wall. He then grabbed the blanket that Scarlett was using to cover herself although she was fully clothed away and threw it on the ground. Scarlett was terrified of him crying now and said to him in a crying tone. " Zachary please let me go to Rex. I love him don't do this to me please I beg you. I love him. I'm carrying his child. I want him so much please don't do this" " You damn bitch after all that i did for you you have the nerve to say that to me. Well now that I think of it? He did fuck you didn't he? Well I suppose there isn't any harm in sharing right?" Zachary said loosening his belt and walking towards her. " What are you doing Scarlett said in a terrified voice moving to the back of the bed with her arms around her knees. " I'm coming for what I deserve. Zachary grabbed her harshly and kissed her forcefully . Scarlett bit his lip and he screamed in pain. But the he slapped her. She fell to the bed he pulled her towards him. She was beneath him now trying to break free but he had her arms restrained. She tried to use her legs but they were restrained as well. She was screaming for help. But Zachary was kissing her and his hands was on the buttons of her jeans. Trying to get them open. Scarlett couldn't do anything she was helpless. Then she heard someone come in. " Is there a problem Zachary?" The man said. Scarlett was crying now. Zachary hands left her jeans and he came of her. "No"he said just playing hide and seek isn't that right Scarlett. The man looked at him closely and said that " The boss wants to see you now" Zachary then looked at Scarlett and then said goodbye. The only thing Scarlett heard next was the door closing and the footsteps leading away from the door.
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