High On Love Love is such a funny feeling, Makes me want to hit the ceiling. Touch the highest, brightest star, Explore places exotic and far. I wish I could fly Touch the sky Oh my oh my I feel so high. You're the reason I smile from ear to ear, You make me feel I have nothing to fear. I would climb the highest mountain, swim across the sea, Just because I know that you'll always be with me. Your touch sets my senses on fire, The passion in me is what you inspire. This love that we have is so unique, It's not something you can go and seek. It fell into my lap, my heart so suddenly, Feels like before I had it, I lived #life so sullenly. As we walk through #life hand in hand, There's just one thing you'll never understand. And that's how much I adore you boo, That's from the heart, I truly do. You're my lover, you're my friend and I will love you until the end.
Do Not Have Fear Have Faith As humans we tend to think we can handle things on our own because you know, "I've got this... I'm grown." But our own strength is like a parachute: If you go skydiving you rely on your parachute to save you from the fall, but if it fails you know not to expect a soft landing. And that's why God says 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." In our battles and our struggles, God is our shield: don't feel vulnerable; your protection is sealed. In our battles and our struggles, God is our sword: fending off every obstacle so that we can march forward. In our battles and our struggles, God is our army: we're not going through it alone, he's our support, he'll arm me. So put aside your fear because God is always here. When we step, he steps and when our legs buckle beneath us, his outstretched arms reach for us. We can rely on God to help us through our muddle because what looks like the sea to us, to God is just a puddle. He says come as you are and lay your #life in my hands and as soon as you do, you've got a foundation built of rock and not of sands. He says I am your saviour, I am your strength, you are covered by my blood... with me you are safe. Walk in God and receive His blessings. Do not have fear, have faith.
Alone And on this night I poured my heart and soul out to my bedroom walls. I let the tears do the talking the sobbing and the crying. I painted my room with colours of anguish, confusion, pain and delusion. Then I looked in the mirror to check who was looking back. And I found no one I had seen before. I am but a shell of my former self, the other me shoved away on a shelf. I grapple at my skin to seek what is within and all the time I'm withering... withering away. The old me has gone and is never coming back. She left me to face this world on my own. And now I don't know whether to stay or to go.