Traducciones   12 años

Ode To My Teenage Torso As I stand here in the shower, my reflection staring back at me, I think again on days gone by, on where my six pack used to be. As a cocky seventeen year old, I was toned and strong and trim, a physique quickly dispatched with, by pints, filled to the brim. You see my college years have come and gone, a haze of beer and mischief, to be replaced by orders, thick and fast, responsibility, I have to live with. As I sit here in my towel, questioning #life and my existence, I spy fresh rolls of flabbiness, poking fun at me, relentless. Why not join the gym?, go for a run?, a host of options face me, "please let us stay, we'll do no harm", my friendly folds say softly. So as I mourn my faded abs, my muscular boyhood self, I wonder should I hit the gym? Oh, is that a new Xbox game on the shelf? #ByeByeMuscles

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