The Attic Chapter five: Estates and other businesses Kirk's P.O.V As I turned to walk away, I stopped. I looked around. She hadn't walked out of my earshot. "W-wait Isabella?" I called, somewhat bashfully, as I walked up to her. I pulled my fingers over my sleeves. What was I going to say? I wanted to know which neighbourhood she lived in. Actually, no point really, no one lives in the bird estate. It was too big and too classy and too boring. She turned around, that blonde hair swishing carefully over her shoulders. "Yes?" She replied. "Er-Just a note. If you live around the composers neighbourhood, avoid going near Mozart Close. It's quite dodgy up that place," I informed her. Mozart Close was dodgy. It had bad people there, who smoked weed and vandalised cars. It stood proudly next to Bach avenue, the lane of so-called haunted houses. The composers estate was opposite the bird estate. My house overlooked the river to the side of it. She nodded and said goodbye again, before she left. I opened my sketch book as I walked in the opposite direction, trying to figure what I had drawn. It was very dark and smudged, with a small palish boy to the left, clutching a bear. In the shadow of him I had drawn a large scary looking figure. The character I had drawn was a little like a doppelgänger, two faced, split personality. I walked out of school the back exit, closest to the bus stop. I caught the bus home as usual. I always came back to an empty house. I hated it. It scared me so, like the doppelgänger boy was lurking in the corners, like it did in my sketch book.
Big Bad Wolf.
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