Translate   12 years ago

Away With The Skies The midnight#moonshone on the house, There was not a sound, not even a mouse, It creaked, it cranked as the wind blew, There were footsteps behind, was it me? Was it you? I stepped through the door, what a horrible sight, There was dust, there were spiders and they gave me a fright. I looked all around, I looked up, I looked down, What I saw made me scream, made me run, made me frown. I stopped in the hallway and I saw something shake, Was it the wind or was it a snake. Was this the reason that no one before, Had ventured into house number 4. I was so frightened, so very scared, I stopped, I listened, and then I just stared. I stared at the door and the floor and the wall, And all that I saw became so very small. As if I had flown up into the sky, As if I was souring like a lonely magpie. I was feeling dizzy so I tried to sit down, The world just kept spinning, up and around. Then all of a sudden I opened my eyes, I had been dreaming simply away with the skies. I slowly sat up and opened the door, I hadn't been dreaming, I hadn't at all. I was in my pyjamas but not in my room, How had this happened I was in the bathroom? With really high ceilings and one low hanging rope, There was one way out and I had to hope. That the would be something at the other end, That would take me back home, back to my friends. By FlyingPenguins

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