Just another Book First, I must tell you this is a very mixed up book. But, it is also a very good book, so keep reading! It all started when a girl named Cleo was talking to her mom. "Go clean the basement!" her mother yelled. "Yes" Cleo replied. As she walked down the stairs to go to the basement, she heard a loud sound, what sounded a little like this: SMACK!! So, Cleo went outside to see what it was. It looked like her friend Timmy was cutting wood. "What are you doing, Timmy? Cleo asked. "Just cutting wood for me and my Pa to put in the fire place" Timmy answered. (Timmy's nickname is Tim). "Well, can you cut a little quieter, maybe? I'm trying to clean my basement and I can't concentrate with all that noise!" Cleo told him. "I'll try." Timmy answered. So, Cleo went back inside so she could clean the basement. She swept the floor and dusted the floor. When Cleo went to go clean out the closet, she noticed there was a bird laying dead in the back of the closet. P.S. There's a dead bird in the closet and a family of 3 rats in the left corner of the room. GROSS! As I was saying. Cleo was done cleaning, so she went up to her room. She plopped right down on her bed. Cleo was dreaming that she was a princess and was trapped in a castle, and the only person who could come in and get back out was her evil stepmother. She imagined that a prince would come and save her. Then snapped out of it because she heard her mother calling her. "Cleo, Cleo come down her right now please."her mother yelled from down stairs. "What?!"Cleo answered. "Go to the store and fetch me some eggs"her mother told her. "Ok"she said back. "Hello" Cleo said to her neighbor that happens to be at the store too. "Why hello, surprised to see you here. I got the eggs for my mom and noticed I $1 left. I decided to get a book. The book was called "Are Fairies Real?". Cleo had herself believing that fairies were real. Cleo went over to Timmy's to tell him all about fairies. "Come on fairies are FAKE!"Timmy told her. "Yes they are you just never really hear, feel, or see them, but you could see them if you can find out what cave they live in or forest. Timmy still didn't believe it. SPOILER ALERT: Timmy ended up believing in fairies.
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