übersetzen   12 Jahre

Written In The Stars I'm a Pisces through and through. I do not read my horoscope on a daily basis but when it's appears before me I can not help but read it and look for confirmation that I'm on the right track. My horoscope today is below.......... Will all of your dreams come true? Let us hope not. For you have a lot of dreams and quite a few of them are best kept safely in the realm of fantasy. But some of them can and will. One of them is beginning to turn into a reality as we speak. Is this more than you dared hope for? No, it is simply what you deserve. You are entitled to the gift that the cosmos is now bestowing upon you and you should feel free to accept it with grace and gratitude. It is now possible for you to take a series of highly constructive steps to prepare. I've just found out I'm pregnant! ill take this as a good sign!x

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