Translate   13 years ago

Them They said you wore too much makeup. You stopped wearing makeup. They said you didn't wear enough makeup. You were then back to how your makeup was before. They said you were too quiet. You finally found the voice inside of you. They called you self centered for being so loud. They called you gay because you had been single for so long. You finally get a boy to call your own. "Oh, what a slut." They say you can go hang out with them. You show up excited to have fun. Nobody's home, they ditched you. You feel like you need to please them, They love everybody else. But you begin to watch your own friends Slip into their filthy lying hands. As you walk alone, It becomes a habit to be ignored By the people you used to call your best friends. You're ready to end your #life. They said you wouldn't do it. They said you were too weak. Too scared. So now you stand above them. Watching down on them. Regretting all of the things you changed for them. And they pretend to mourn, But they are only looking for their next victim.

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