Society We live in a world where people are scared to be themselves, girls try and be someone they aren’t, guys beat the crap out of someone because he’s not the same, and gay people can’t be open about their sexuality, because some person will make their #life a living hell if they are open about who they are. I have definitely been called things I’m not because I’m not scared to be myself. Ugly, fat, weird and so much more ive heard it all. Yeah I am happy with who I am. But that doesn’t mean those words don’t hurt. When people point out one of my flaws I just want to sit and cry and believe me I have a few times. At the same time no one actually has the right to say those things. That kids gay? He’s just as much as a person as you are. That girl has different clothes? Hey guess what I’m sorry you have never seen an individual before! That girls too skinny? Well she used to be called fat and shes been starving herself for a long time. That boys always alone? Maybe no one will give him a chance! That kids is a druggie? Maybe he is abused at home and hes bullied at school and he thought that was the only way he could get rid of the pain. Their are so many reasons people are the way they are and you know what? Some things we just can’t change. We are people not barbies. We can’t be perfect but we can accept people the way they are and be their for one an other but we don’t do that. Stop judging people for the way they look or act that does not always define them as a person! Everyone is beautiful in their own way. If you are a person that is a victim of any of this just remember that if you work hard you will be the successful one in the end and all the ignorant pricks that brought you down are gonna be looking up at you. Don’t give up. It gets better I promise
read more...Why Are There Such Things As Titles i watched the rain today; studied close, as it collided with the pavement, and dispersed, and it reminded me of the way I fell into you; helplessly hopelessly and in entirety; the whole of my self, crashing down and becoming lost in you, while your attention was ever occupied by every other drop of water that floated so lightly down to kiss your skin
read more...blank. I know what sadness is. I know how it is to be hurt, I know all of the worst nightmares. I know so many painful things nor will I ever forget them. But what I know keeps me alive, because those storms in my #life made me to the person I am today. I'm a fighter, I always was, #life is not an easy class. You have to be broken to wake up the power inside, that will keep your head up in the worst times. You have to believe and take a deep breath but also remain confident and positive. No matter what I never gave up and I never will, because I know how it is to be broken into pieces, to pick them up and glue them back together. It takes time but I'm stronger than ever, #life made me this way.
Them They said you wore too much makeup. You stopped wearing makeup. They said you didn't wear enough makeup. You were then back to how your makeup was before. They said you were too quiet. You finally found the voice inside of you. They called you self centered for being so loud. They called you gay because you had been single for so long. You finally get a boy to call your own. "Oh, what a slut." They say you can go hang out with them. You show up excited to have fun. Nobody's home, they ditched you. You feel like you need to please them, They love everybody else. But you begin to watch your own friends Slip into their filthy lying hands. As you walk alone, It becomes a habit to be ignored By the people you used to call your best friends. You're ready to end your #life. They said you wouldn't do it. They said you were too weak. Too scared. So now you stand above them. Watching down on them. Regretting all of the things you changed for them. And they pretend to mourn, But they are only looking for their next victim.