Abused #youngwritershousehold I hide away, In hope they'll stop, But that doesn't stop them at all. They don't let me leave, They hit me and kick me and pin me against the wall. The words they scream, I cant repeat, They are so violet and cruel. I flinch away from their vicious grasp, But they carry on with this abusive duel. They are so violent, They make my face blue, they're my biggest threat, I have the bruises to show what they've done, Nobody knows how horrible they get. I try to scream, But they lock me away, And starve me for days on end. I cry and cry many painful tears, Which come from a heart that will never mend. I suffer in silence, As they beat me senseless, And for no reason at all. Being a slave to your own heartless parents, Makes you feel so small. The amount of times I've tried to escape, I would struggle to count. I cant ever leave the house because of my bruises, Of these i have a large amount. I cant tell a soul about this heartless torture, Because if i did they'd kill me. So when i planned to tell someone, Death is what my fate would be. I smashed a window with a hammer, Which they used to use to hit me. Then before they could could stop me, I jumped out and boy did i feel free. Before i even registered my escape into the real world, I felt a tug on my wrist and upside down my world hurled. I knew what would happen next, I knew what lay ahead, And they dragged be back inside the house, And threw me on the bed. I winced away, I was so scared, As they threw their first punch. Then i screamed in utter agony as i felt my nose crunch. After several painful minutes, Of them beating in my head, There i lay, My motionless body, Abused until i was dead. tastetherainbow©
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