Twisted Heart T ogether the chains reform the heart, Symphonies and melodies dance their part. W ell that is what the mind saw at ease, In truth, All was lost in the chime of the blaze. I n the blaze of #life the heart was torn, No sorrow shed, No tears were born. S orrow yelled through the night of the mind, Screeched at the pictures that fled to the light. T o the darkness the heart saw no paradise, It turned in it's sleep, Turned away from the eyes. E venings grew into trees of the past, Tales which haunted the lives of happiness. D ear friend, stay away from the light, Tame your heart to fly in the ivory glow. Iron it's wings so they never fold in, Hush it's turns that go back and forth, Never give in to the wind of the gone. ##acrostic
Haunted Plays I watch the one who haunts my soul, Taken with the trance of all. Crimson rain drops quietly, Dancing with no sign of glee. He stays away atop a bridge, Watches the blood go- drip, drip, drip. He sees no joy in childhood days, Just waits for us to sing our plays. Our plays repeat our hate and sorrow, Like a crow he waits for the reaper's morrow. He stops our dance- the candle light, No hush... Just the death of night.
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