Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter is a movement A movement that started to finish the works of our predecessors. A movement formed to let young black people know that we are important, That we are worth it, Because throughout history, we have been beaten down and told otherwise, We were told that we were inferior, We were told that we were nothing, Because everyday, we are still told that. So, why is it that when Black Lives Matter is mentioned, Some people say, "what about white lives?" What about them? Nobody needs a White Lives Matter movement. Everyone knows that white lives matter No matter where you are, you know that white lives matter Our history books have taught us that white lives are more important than any other skin color Our social media has taught us that white lives are more important They show us that one white doctor being infected with Ebola is more important than a nations of black people that have been infected with the same #life threatening disease They show us that a white person who shoots up a church is an isolated incident, but a black person robbing a store defines the whole community Black Lives Matter is a movement that draws attention to these facts It draws attention to the fact that different races are treated differently, It makes people think, "don't all lives matter," And that's the point. All lives do matter, but sometimes, we refuse to acknowledge that fact, So now we have the Black Lives Matter Movement, And the Black Lives Matter Movement will remain until we all learn.
Brandon P
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