Tradurre   8 anni fa

Wanderlust I want to go on an adventure, To a far away place, Where none of my problems will follow, Where I can be at peace, Be happy and enjoy the moment. I want to go on an adventure To a place where I can wander about without a fear, Without a care, Where I will be free. I want to go on an adventure Where I don't think about our commercial world Where it is just me and nature Enjoying each other's company In bliss and harmony. I want to go on an adventure, To an exotic place, Where I can meet new people and try new things, Where I can take risks. I want to go on an adventure, To a gobsmackingly amazing place Where I can just be A place where I will belong. I yearn for such a place. I am wanderlust for you.

  • Mi piace
  • Amore
  • HaHa
  • Wow
  • Triste
  • Arrabbiato