I'm going to try and write something from my heart
However I think it will be quite hard
Every time I let my defence down
I am left looking like a clown
I have to learn to trust and stop being so bitter
Every relationship I've had has went Down the shitter
How do you keep your head held high
When your of the opinion that every girl is just as sly
She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen
By the way she talks she seems as keen
But what if shes all talk just like before
Still heartbroken from last time it's still so raw
I remember the dark days from last time , I mislaid my trust
Maybe it was love, maybe it was lust
All I know is it didn't half hurt
Felt like someone had ripped straight through my shirt
Went straight for my heart and crushed it in there grasp
But the problem is even today it's still in there crasp
So now you know the issue and where my problems lye
I've spoke from deep within me without the need to lie
I've opened up finally and spoke from my heart
And do you no what it wasn't all that hard
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