Fallen Angel Pt3 -sorry it's so short and late!- My eyes slowly opened revealing a bright light that I guessed was the sun? I pulled myself up from a strange floor. It was like tiny rocks, when I finally got up I saw a crowd of humans gathered around me, they all whispered as I say up. I had my usual jeans and high-tops on but no shirt. "oh my god are you ok?!" asked a girl who looked 20 (my age) "what yeah I'm fine" I said now standing up. All the people around me gasped, I looked down and noticed that I was still covered in blood. I wiped some away some of the dry blood from my six pack. I looked up at the girl who asked if I was ok. She smiled weakly "come on, you can stay at mine until you get better" the girl said, I tried to protest but she had already put her arm around me and was walking towards her car. I sat in the passengers seat. It was an open roof vintage car, the paint work was a shiny red and it had comfy leather seats. "are you sure your ok? What happened to you?" she asked frowning at me "yeah I'm fine. I umm just fell over" I lied. I lump welled in my throat as I thought about Helen and how she gave her #life for me. The girl drove off and turned some music on, she had waist long black coloured hair, brown eyes, peachy-red lips, there were freckles dotted on her face. She was slim and I must say very pretty. "I'm Tessa Coombes, you?" Tessa, nice name! "umm Aden Darden" I said sighing, she smiled at me sweetly "what happen really? You can't of fallen over" she said handing me a tissue to wipe some of the blood away "if I told you, you wouldn't believe me" I said, I guess I could tell her. As I had no home now I would be safe from Lucifer and God I guess? But she was a stranger to me I only knew her name. "try me" I laughed at her cockiness. I should tell her if I was going to spend time with her I guess? She wouldn't believe me anyway, "ok, I'm an fallen angel" I said shrugged. Tessa burst out in laughter, she had the most perfect smile.... "pffft yeah right!" she laughed "yeah right" I said truthfully. She frowned at me then her eyes widened in shock "oh my goodness, your not kidding are you?! That's why you fell from nowhere! But where's your wings?" she asked stopping the car outside a free airy house hidden away in the forest even though I could still her the sea. I shrugged and showed her my back, I felt her soft hands brush away some blood. Her fingers ran over the two scars on my shoulder blades. "wow, a real angel! In my-my car.... What happened to you?" she said eyeing me up and down. "long story" I sighed. We got out the car and walked up the gravel path towards the glass front door. "welcome to my house!" exclaimed Tessa "welcome to my world" I mumbled, Tessa laughed and led me into a white kitchen. I sat down and Tessa passed a wet tea towel towards me, "for the blood" she said motioning towards my stomach "oh thanks" I said taking the towel. I wiped it over my body and the places I could reach on my back. When all the blood had come off I saw that my body had deep red scars scattered in me. "tell me what happened Aden" said Tessa frowning sadly at my state. She sat next to me and gave me a forced smile. I told her everything. "so yeah that's my #life" I finished, Tessa's eyes grew with shock, "I can't believe your an angel!" she gasped "well get used to it because your stuck with one for awhile" "what? Oh right yeah, where will you go after me?" she asked "travel the world I guess. Can't be found" "oh I see" she said with a hint of disappointment on her tanned face. "don't worry, I'm not leaving that quick!" I laughed, she smiled up at me, "go have a shower, it'll help" "what's a shower?" Tessa burst out laughing at me question "oh god! You need some classes on earth!" she laughed I frowned when she said oh God. What did it mean? God was the creature of her why was she saying his name for no reason?" "urr ok.." I frowned "come on I'll show you around" said Tessa placing her delicate hand in mine as she started the tour of her (huge) house.
Wickedwords Results! #wickedwords Ok so only two people have an entry so umm kinda letdown But anyway here's the results. In second...... @tattyteddy! With the island one it made me laugh, it's true and original!!! And in first... @Fluffy2000 Because yours made us think. It was original, true and seemed very wise! So now the contest is over in your hands! Tatty teddy's rules are the ones to follow!
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