Emotional Hulk I used to always wonder, Why mum would sit and cry; At tv shows and movies When someone in them died. I could never understand it, Would quite often sit and stare, Feeling quite embarrassed As she wailed with such despair. When poor Macauley copped it And My Girl was distraught, My mum would be beside herself With sobs caught in her throat. It wasn't till eleven, When my own hormones kicked in. And I began to snivel, And bawl at everything. It didn't get any better, I cried at everything I saw. I cried at adverts, films and radio And such a whole lot more! I came to a conclusion After seeing Hulk on the tv. He could Hulk out when he wanted! As he was always super angry. But my power isn't nearly as impressive! In a fight, I can't lend a hand. But if you need a small wet blanket I can cry now on demand. So maybe I'm always a little sad.... But never in a sulk. My smile can hide my tears sometimes Because I'm the emotional hulk!
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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