Chapter 2: I just got from school a hard day of people sounding like their the teacher from my childhood favorite Charlie Brown. I kicked of my red All Star Converse and I flopped on the coach. "Hey is anyone home!" I shouted. Scilence. You could hear a pen drop. So I check my phone and my mom sent me a text that read-at work be home soon. So I decided I'd bring her in some food. She usually forgot. As I walked in the lab I noticed a nurse cut, dripping with blood, I would have asked if she were okay, but this is pretty normal, at least for me. I usually just go straight to my moms desk but I felt a little adventoreus and decided to go a diffrent hall. But there were stairs and my moms place just has one floor. Actually there are a lot of stairs carrying my body down to the neverending stairs I finally reached the bottom. There was a lock. Not like a normal lock or I would have just bobby penned my way in. Somthing I had never seen before and then I felt curious. So I tried to figure it out. Clunck. Clunck. Clunck. Somone was coming down so I quickly hided behind an edge. "Ready for a day of fun" the man in the lab coat exsplained. As he went through the prossess to open the door, but who was he talking to. Creak... As he opened the door all I heard were loud, loud, screams. It sounded like they were dying. I sprinted up the stars to my moms desk and pretended like nothing had happend because maybe if I told myself enogugh times, it wouldn't. It was the scarriest, saddest, most horrifing thing I had ever heard and half of hoped I never had heard that noise. But the other half was almost glad I did so I could maybe try and help watever was inside. But the question was how.