Ghost He was a giant. Intimidating to all who crossed his path. His eyes were old but not from age. He'd seen the world but not like others had. Nothing bothered him anymore, even the loneliness had ceased but he had become a ghost. In his world he was now invisible. The target caught his eye through his scope. No one got away from him, not now, not since the complete destruction of all he ever cared about. He'd lost everything that day, but he couldn't think about that now. He had orders, and work was all that was left. He was calm, inhaling as the wind blew from the east. He grimaced and sighed, it wasn't the right time again. His body was seizing. Twenty four hours of only shifting slightly for necessities will do that to someone, but he had orders. He would complete his mission. His body groaned, every bone ached. He had been out of the fight for a long time. His orders came anonymously but he knew not to question given orders. He had always done as he was told, he was a soldier; a man bound by honour, by rules. He wondered if he'd ever be able to lead a civilian #life, or is that what he even wanted? His ears pricked at the sound of distant steps. He'd learned to be vigilant and to expect everything. It was time to move on, the mission could continue at another location.
Alberta Georges
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