Who Am I? People stare. Looking like me isn't anything absurd, But standing at the front of a class, 5ft 2, piercings and tattoos, It isn't really heard Of. Mothering became a priority. At just a teen I realised #life was about to change. With another to take care of, I was released from my parents' chains. Beaten, broken and bruised, Through Dante's Nine Circles of Hell. Escaping and fighting to keep sane But never quite clawing back out of the shell. Dark. Dank. Cold. There was a prince. A prince that had rode through Hell himself. Tearing at the sins I had committed, He beat them down with strength and stealth. I had survived. I had people around me but had never felt so alone. He swept me up and never looked back. To a sanctuary. A safe haven. Our home. In my own head There is a constant battle between the dark and light, But standing here in front on thirty eager minds I thrive. And I know that my #life is an endless but exciting fight.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère