For me writing as been a means of escaping from the hum drum of either work or family. In the real world I have to follow the rules set down by other people. But in my stories,I call them, I set the rules and basically I make most of them as I go along. Writing for me is fun as I can be who ever I want to be, place myself in any setting I desire and watch as the story unfolds from there. It also he,so me solve problems I'm facing in the real world too. Like I write what I would said to so and so etc. I've been writing this way since I was 14 and gone through countless note pads and pens along the way. Even in today's high tech age of tablets, I still a writing pad and pens. I find it's an excellent way to unwind and just switch off from everything. For that very moment when you put ink to paper, I'm transported into a realm of complete creation. Where it starts is the first mark of the pen nib on that blank page perched on your knee. Where it will end, now thats a different matter all together. I find when I write, I'm not interested in ending the tale I'm working on, I want to get wrapped up in the whole adventure of the journey I'm being taken on. What next will flow from my mind and what will be revealed as my pen moves over the page. That to me is the biggest thrill. Am I passionate about writing? I would have to say yes I am. Would I call myself a writer? Do you mean do I carry about with me a tablet or pens and books in my bag all the time or do I read books to find that spark of inspiration . Again I would hold my hand up and say yes. I feel everyone has a quest inside them waiting for the right moment to set it free. My late mum always told me, just be yourself and what you're meant to will find you.but when you find it make it the best it's ever been.Im rubbish at sports, can't hold a note when singing,but I can think and I can imagine. So I began writing at 14 and the bug hasn't left yet and it's now 31 yrs later. At some point in my #life I wanted to writ for a living but then I feel it would taken away a lot of the magic.i can't thrive under pressure and deadlines make me lose .sleep. Writing for fun ,oh I can write for a good few hours like that. Sometimes I will write until my fingers go numb,that's. a good sign the story's on a roll. Well that's all for now, I thought I would post something that I feel very strongly about and that I clearly love doing. Feel free to comment,I'd love to hear what others think of my style and how I put things together.
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