I Must Not Be Late I was charged with writing one hundred lines. I started them with gusto. Why was I to do this thing? For being late. If you must know. So halfway there I hit a block My gusto up and left. What should I do to stay true? My heart it was bereft (yeah right). An excuse I decided is what I would need And to the gullible I would it feed. But what to say to those who ask As to why I failed at this simple task? My dog ate my iPad? Hmm maybe no. A lack of imagination that would show. My pet hamster went berserk? Yes, that excuse may just work. So please sir let me explain How I failed, to my deep shame. Hamster Harry's a crafty lad And savagely attacked my iPad. I know you won't be filled with hate. If I sincerely promise Not to be late.
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