Translate   11 years ago

House Sitting Donkeys and ponies, Chickens and dogs. Wallowing in wellies, Surrounded by dogs. Rising at dawn Checking the weather. Rain over mountains And dew on the heather. Feed the beasts And muck out the stalls. Hang out the laundry; Not forgetting the smalls. Sit down to breakfast Dippy eggs and some toast. A hot cup of tea. What needs doing the most? Shall I sweep the floor, Or take the kids to the beach? Curl up with a book Or find something to teach? House sitting for dad While he's off climbing hills. The thought of those mountains Gives me the chills. No, I'd rather be here Cleaning and feeding. Than clinging to cliffs With fingers a bleeding. So as the sun rises, I'll grumble my way Out to the stables, To start a new day.

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