Drifting On An Ascendance It happened in an instant You opened your voluptuous rosy lips And in that moment you were revealed I felt your pretty rhythm reverberate inside my chest I knew there was no way I would not get to know you The stars have always been where they are There could have been no other way I pictured nothing but felt everything I would one day Sooner than I could have imagined Lay beside you Stroke your finesse Sail over and under crashing waves Pressing on your lips and gasping in unison at the beauty of a vision You've brightened up my horizon And sometimes I try to pinch myself Only to leave a sensation Akin to the ones you've left on my back Scorched with principles of pleasure I am broken Finally My shell has cracked You have given me you as a canvass with a million colours already perfectly painted I am open, I am free, I am creating You bring me joy And my face hurts I no longer feel my external All I feel is a smile Because You are the highest of my highs
Sienna Williamson
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Richard Withey
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invisible lover
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