I'm So Sorry My username is correct. Because I'm Sam. Sam doesn't exist. Sam is me. And I am @fl1ppyf1sh. It all started about a month ago. I wanted to create a new account, just because, and I couldn't come up with an epic username, and so I was just messing around and chose Sam... And then I created her. I made her a lot like my best friend, @flaming. And then I was like... Now who to follow? I didn't know, so I just followed all my friends. Then I realised how weird that is and so I made a big deal about it with my friends. And then Sam met Kat. (It actually is a coincidence that one of my favourite shows is Sam & Cat) They pretty much became instant friends because Sam was so much like Kat and you know, birds of a feather. But I couldn't bring myself to stop it because I knew that Kat would kill me if I revealed that I was Sam. Soon Sam became too much of a risk, so I came up with a story about how she didn't have her own iDevice and her mom made her stop. But... That's when I made the mistake. I had fallen in love with Sam. With BEING Sam. I made up another story so she could come back. Unfortunately, I forgot to turn location off and Kat found it. She knows it's me. So... I'm sorry, @flaming. I really am. I pulled a Maura on you. And I'm sorry. But Sam is still going to exist because I love Sam. Maybe in a story. Maybe she actually will exist as iMnotSam. But I can't give her up.
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