Fear & Love I just can't believe what the #life had given me.... truth of the said ''the chance is only once'' I have never believed in magic, but what have happened I could called a magic...I can tell you that you have stolen my heart and I'm not asking you to give it to me back in return..... but what I know is I can't get through anything if I just stay put in today..... taking one step forward might make a change.... and definitely it will..... And I can't tell you that yours is in peace because I haven't owned yet in fact!! It is never too late for that..... I'll be waiting moments, minutes; hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries and decades...... however the key is in your hands..... you are the only person who can release that innocent soul of love.....I'm not mistaken if I blame you..... you have enchanted me.... and make me suffering everyday, night and every single moment..... Either by thinking of you or watching over you!!! Truly, I know you love me and I do love you too..... and that is what your conscience says.....yeah I know what is running in your mind.... but I’ll keep saying people are not the same....follow your heart and maybe your mind,,,, that what they always say....sometimes I agree and sometimes I disengage.....