Chapter 2
I go the rest of the day without saying a word to Daniel. When the
final bell rings i hop out of my chair and rush out of the
room. I grab my stuff from my locker and rush onto the bus. I pull
out my laptop and turn it on. I think back to what
Angela said. "You little Varilist" Whats a Varilist? I type it into
my computer and click on the first tab i see. Varilist, it
reads, is the young offspring of a Metalin. A metalin is said to be a
mythical being. They are said to be adult Fae who
bred with a skinge, or vampire, and had an offspring. Varilists are
usually born with a twin. In rare occasions both
varilists will live but more frequently one of them will die around
the age of 14. Varilists usually start seeing their powers
around 15 or 16. Some things they experience are unknown strength,
speed, agression and knowledge. I think back to
First class. I knew all that about atoms. Ive never learned about an
atom before.
Then with angela when i smashed her against the locker and flipped
her. Strength and agression.
Then getting there i went so much faster than Daniel. Speed.
I think about angelas eyes. theyn were red. I type in Varalist
Ememies. Again i click on the first tab.
It reads, Varalist Ememies and descriptions.
1. Bredkun: Pointy ears, vicious, lives in montainous areas. Takes on
the appearance of a Wolf. Beware: Do not agress.
Dangerous creature. May kill if feeling in danger. Avoid at all costs.
2. Clyfrin: At times of anger turns from human to a furocious beast
the size of a grizzly bear. Beware: Highly murderous
creature. Avoid eye contact when transformed. Eye contact makes it
feel in danger and it may attack. Clyfrin attacks
are nearly impossible to survive. Avoid at all costs.
3. Spaydle: Takes on appearance of a home pet. When agressed turns
to a monsterous tiger sized beast that will attack
first thing in sight. Beware: Highly murderous. Do not agress.
Avoid at all costs.
4. Sveton: Takes on appearance of a human. Inhuman strength. at anger
red eyes and fang like teeth. Beware:
Extreamly dangerous. Do not push into agression for the Sveton is a
highly murderous creature. Avoid at all costs.
A Sveton. Is all this possible? I turn off my computer. I think.
Theres no way im a varalist and no way Angelas a
Sveton. My bus gets to my stop and i hop off the bus along with
Angela, her friends and to my surprise, Daniel. I start
walking home when I hear footsteps behind me. Im not sure who it is
so i walk faster. I hear them speeding up. In fear
its Angela i start to sprint. I feel a hand touch my shoulder as Im
running and i drop my stuff, turn around and slam the
person to the ground. Its Daniel. "Omg im so sorry. i didnt.. i
thought... Im just... omg im sorry daniel i thought you
were angela." "hes not Angela. Im Angela you dimwhit. " I hear a
voice say. i look up from Daniel to see Angela
standing a few feet away. "What are you doing here Angela?" I say
clenching my fists. "Um Im going home. I could of
been there by now if you hadnt just flipped my boyfriend." She snaps
back. BOYFRIEND? So thats what she meant
when she said i was hooking up with other peoples boyfriends. Omg i
feel so stupid. "And again im sorry," I say. "Come
on babe," she says helping Daniel up. As they walk by me i feel
Daniel put something in my pocket. When they are out of
sight i pull it out of my pocket. Its his number. I pick up my stuff
and run home.
The next day of school i take my seat in Chemistry. As the bell rings
an anouncement comes from the loud speaker.
"Would Angela Sve and Natasha Coleman please report to the principles
office." calls a womans voice. I get up and head
out of the room. When i get to the office Angelas already there
sitting in a chair. "So girls. One of the ladies from the
office showed me some footage from the hallway security cameras
yesterday. And what i saw wasnt pleasant. Now what
i want to know first. Natia why did you grab Angela like that?" The
principle calmly asks me. So i tell him what Angela
wrote and what she said to me and what she did to me that morning.
"Now angela. What you did was far more severe
than Natia. You vandalized school property, abused a student and
bullied the student. As for Natia, you abused a student.
Natia you will recieve two saturday detentions and Angela you will be
recieving four saturday detentions, and for the
vandalism, you will be expected to come in after school on friday and
clean every locker door, and desk in this school. No
ifs ands or buts. You are dissmissed." the principle says. I return
to class and sit down. The rest of the day drones on.
In Homeroom Daniel comes and sits next to me. "Hey. You know, what
Angela did to you yesterday, she shouldnt have
done. I broke up with her." He says. "Wow. Well im sorry again for
smashing you yesterday," i apologize. "No
problem." he says. We talk for the rest of homeroom. The next few
days of school go by in a blur. Before i know it ive
been in school for 2 weeks.
Its Tuesday and Daniel and i have become very good friends with each
other. At the end of school today he comes up to
me at my locker. "Hey so do you wanna walk home together?" he asks.
"Sure. Beats ridding the bus with Angela." I
say half laughing. We head outside and start walking. We get about
half way home without saying a word. Finally he
says to me, "You know ive never met someone like you before. I mean
your smart, your pretty, your strong and you
always know what to say." "I dont always know what to say," I say
blushing. He stops walking and grabs my arm with
one hand. In the other he gently lifts my chin so Im facing him.
"Well thats a matter of opinion," He says to me in an
extremely sexy voice. Slowly he begins to lower his head towards
mine. His lips are about to touch mine when, *Ring
Ring RIng* He stops and looks at me funny. I pull out my phone and
see who it is. Its Julie texting me. It says, ""Hey.
Ive got a bit of trouble. By the lake. Hurry."" I tell Daniel. "
We better hurry. Follow me. Ill take you to the lake." He
We get to the lake to find Angela and a bunch of her friends throwing
Julies stuff into the lake. "Angela stop." Daniel
yells. "Leave her alone." Angela turns to see the two of us. "Oh so
you brought your little baby doll with you huh."
Angela says. "Just leave Julie alone." Daniel snaps back. "Oh ya?
Make me." Angela taunts. Just then i see Daniel
run toward Angela and in mid stride i caught a glimpse of his face.
Hed gone completely pale and his eyes were an ember
color. He had fangs sticking out of his mouth. At that same moment
Angelas eyes went red and each one of her teeth
went sharp and pointy. I hear the big smack as the two collid. The
air was filled with the sound of growls, bodies
slamming together, and struggling. Quickly i rushed to the lake
grabbed Julie and started running dragging her behind.
We kept running and we arrived at my house. "Get inside," i told her.
I pushed her inside closed the door and locked it.
I hurried to the window and peeked outside. All was quiet inside and
out. "W...w...w...what was that?" Julie said. She
sounded terrified. "I have no idea." I said to her not looking away
from the window. "Hey girls what happened out
there. You look like you saw a ghost or something," I hear kayla say
from behind me. "I wish it was just a ghost." Julie
replies. She begins crying and Kayla glances at me. "Natia what
happened?" Kayla says calmly.
Kathy Cumiskey
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