Translate   11 years ago

Bloom Chapter 1 There i was. Watching the trees pass by me in a blur. I had no control of stopping this car or even stopping my #life. Memories of my old home passed by me frequently. It was there when i noticed that those memories were all i had left of my old town. No one would be able to fix that..........not even my mother who is in the car with me. Her popping veins restrained me from saying a worse to her in worries not to stress her out even more. After many hours of driving, the car finally stopped. Mom leaned over, kissed my forehead, and took my earphones from my ears. The sutle sound of music faded away as i turned to face my mothers strained face. "Were here," she says gently pushing a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. I look out the car window to see a house that resembles every other house in the neighborhood. There were trees neatly alligned beside the sidewalk in front of the house. I grab my backpack and eager to exit away from my moms sad worried face i open the car door and hop out. Letting myself to the trunk i plop out my suitcases. My mother tries to help me but i hold them both tightly in both hands and i roll them down the sidewalk. "Natia..." i hear my mother call. My feet stop moving and i sigh before turning to face her. "Dont stay mad at me. Im only trying to help." her eyes are filling with tears. "I know mom." I say. She walks over to me and embraces me in a big hug just like she did when i was a little girl. "Be good ok? Your brother and sister are there to help." Her voice sounds all choked up and filled with saddness. "Alright mom. Goodbye." I walk up to the door and i hear my mother entering her car. "I love you," she says before she drives away fighting back tears. The sight of her leaving brings tears to my eyes. I can tell that she doesnt want to. My hand reaches up to knock on the door. Well heres to a brand new start. Ive never met my brother or sister before. Ive only seen pictures of them. My oldest brother Eric is the first to greet me. He takes my suitcases and hauls them upstairs. As I watch him walk away I am surprised with a big bear hug from behind. Its my sister Kayla. Shes 1 1/2 years older than me. I turn around to face her. "Natia! Omg. Your even more beautiful in person. You look just like Becca in the pictures I've seen. Where is she by the way? Is she staying with mom?"Kayla blurts. I meet her eyes and she notices the devestated look in my eyes. "Omg. What happened?" Kayla says as she grabs me in another hug. "Leukemia. Thats what happened. She died last year." I say fighting back tears. " Im so sorry. Dont cry. Itll be ok." She says stroking my hair. Her eyes are teary and red. Smiling at me she says, "Dont worry Natia. Your gunna love it here. It'll be fun." I gently smile at her and head to my room. "Natia? Breakfast," Kayla calls from downstairs. Its 70 am and my first day of school is today which is why i havent gotten up yet. "Natia!" she calls again. I bury myself in my covers and pull my pillow over my head. About 5 minutes later i hear footsteps followed by my door opening. "NATIA. Get your booty up. School starts in 1 hour and you havent even sat up yet. Now come on," Kayla says as she rips my pillow and covers off of me. I finally surrender and get up. I take my shower do my hair and eventually pick out the cutest outfit i have. I grab my shorts which are dark blue denim with white trim and my black designer tights. Then i grab my yellow skintight tanktop and put a pink low top long sleeved shirt over it. I finally grab my backpack and my sneakers and i walk out the door to the bus not even waiting for Kayla. Every morning back in Florida i would always go for a morning walk at 5 am all by myself. I arrive at the bus stop to see a bunch of other kids there too. Most of the girls are wearing super skinny jeans with half see though skin tight t shirts on, and most of the guys are wearing baggy pants, hoodies and backwards hats. As i walk up i hear lots of comments about me. "Hey check out the newbie. Whats with the tights? Can You Un Der Stand Us? What a freak show. Lets poke her with a stick, see if she bites." Just then Kayla walks up. "Hey Kaitlyn. Look at the newbie freak show that ended up at our bus stop," one of the girls said to Kayla. "First of all angela, its Kayla not Kaitlyn. Second of all shes my sister. And third of all, if your going to be a stuck up little brat then why dont you run back home call your mommy and get the f**k out of town." Kayla remarked. "Oh what a boss. Looks like little Angela lost again" i heard some kid say. I looked at Angela whose face was beat red. She had her hands in fists and i swear i saw steam come out her ears. Then without another word angela stormed off to the other side of the bus stop. *RRRRINGGGG* The morning school bell rings and i rush inside. I go to the office and they give me my locker number and code. They also give me my schedule which includes what time, where its at and who my teacher is. My first class is Chemistry with Mr. Creese. I walk out of the office and look at my locker number. K117. I head down hall K. As I approach my new locker I see something horrible. Right there at the locker directly next to mine is Angela. Shes standing there with a bunch of other girls and from what i can hear their discusing different lip glosses. I politely push through the crowd of wanna-bes and get to my locker. "Oh. Well look who decided to show up here." Angela says. What a snob. I think to myself. I look at my locker code. 12-43-76. "Oh what. To scared to talk back? What a little baby." She says as i continue to ignore her. I start turning my lock to 12. I get to 8 when i feel something hot and wet pour onto my head. Its Angelas coffee. "Oops. Sorry. It spilt. Hahahaha." She chuckles. Ok. That does it. I turn around to face her wide spread grin. Irretated i say, "You know what Angela? Why dont you and your little Wanna-Be famous beothches kiss my butt and walk off a cliff. After that why dont you go take a gun to your little heads, pull the trigger and swallow the little dignity you have left." That shuts Angela up. It isnt until after i say all of it that i realize a large group of people have gathered around our lockers. Alot of them are commenting on how i just dissed Angela and alot of them are on Angelas side commenting on how dumb i am for doing that. Satisfied i open my locker and grab my stuff for Chemistry. I then walk away leaving a mortified Angela standing there defenseless. As i walk into Chemistry class i take the last open seat just as the class bell rings. The desks each have two chairs at them for lab partners. Im sitting next to a seemingly nice girl. She has misty blue eyes, brown hair and pale, freckly skin. She turns to me and says "Hi. Im Julia. Or Julie. Or Jules. Just dont call me ju. I hate it when people call me that. Its mean. Anyway enough about me. Your the new girl right? I heard Angela gave you a hard time this morning. And how you totally burned her up about it. Am i talking to much? I think i am. Sorry i have a problem with talking. I talk to much. So tell me about you." "Ok. Lets start with hi. Im Natia Coleman. I just moved here from Florida so not so used to the weather." I calmly say to her. "Oh. Well its kind of weird that your coming to school in the middle of the year. I bet thats hard for you huh? I started 4th grade in the middle of the year. Actually it was two months before school ended. We just finished learning about Atoms and the Atomic theory." She blurs. "hushhh. Attention students. Class has begun. As you can see we have a new student here. Her name is Natia Coleman and i expect you all to treat her with respect. Natia im Mr. Creese and i will be your Chemistry teacher. Now, who can tell me about atoms?" Mr. Creese said. Almost instinctly Julia shot her hand up in the air. She was the only one to raise her hand. "And once again class Ms. Julia is the only one to seem to know the answer." Slowly i raised my hand. "Ahh. Natia. Very good. So can you tell me about atoms?" He said to me. I began," Well the fundamental building block of matter is the atom. An atom consists of three main parts. Protons neutrons and electrons. Protons have an electrical charge, Neutrons have no electricle change and Electrons have a negative electricle charge. Protons and neutrons are found together in what is called the neucleous of the atom. Electrons actually circle around the neucleous. Chemicle reactions involve interactions between the electrons of one atom and the electrons of another atom. Atoms which have different amounts of electrons and protons have a positive or negative electrical charge that are called ions. when atoms bond together they can make larger blocks of matter called molecules." I glance around and see several kids just staring at me blankly. "Very good. See class now if you would stop texting and pay attention during class maybe you would be smart like Natia. Thank you Natia." Mr. Creese anounced. "Wow. That was impressive for a first day," Julia said to me. I just smiled back at her and listened as Mr. Creese as he talked about particles of a reaction and the monosetheis theory. *RRRINGGGGG* I hear the bell for the end of class. I get up and start picking up my books when i feel a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a tall handsome boy. He has deep blue eyes and tencious brown locks that lay atop his head in an almost sexy way. "Hey," he says. "That was pretty good. Your Natia right? Im Daniel Jackson." "Ya Im Natia and nice to meet you," I say as i shake his hand. I finish picking up my books and we walk out of class together. "So whats your next class?"He asks me. "I dont know let me check," I reply. I pull out my schedule and read off my next class. "Um next i have Math with Mrs. Clinten. " I say. "Same here. Ill walk you to class then." He says back politely. In my head im saying, OMG. your so hot. Wanna go out? But what i say to him? "Oh. Sure. Thanks. I have to go to my locker first." I say. "Ok. Ill walk you there." He says. We arrive at my locker and find Angela at hers. She looks as if she wants to kill me when she sees Daniel with me. I open my locker and grab my math stuff. As i close my locker i face Daniel. "After You," He says as he guestures towards the classroom. I politely take up on his kind gesture and go ahead. He follows me to class and we take our seats right next to each other. During all of math class i couldnt even pay attention. All i can think of is how hot Daniel is and how nice he is. I abruptely wake up from my daydream when the bell rings. "Hey. It seems we have homeroom together." He says as he hands me my schedule which had fallen on the floor. "And Geography. And gym. And English. You sure you didnt copy my schedule?" He says laughing. I start to blush. He helps me up from my chair and we walk out of class. I head to my locker with him behind again and find a big surprise. Written across my locker in what looks like bright red lipstick is ""Beware. Ugly beast stops here. Watch out. She may bite"" "Omg. I cant believe she did this," I say holding back tears as i start wiping it off. "Who?" Daniel asks. "Angela." I reply. Without another word I walk down the hall with Daniel struggling to keep up. I find Angela at a friends locker trying on different perfumes. Not even thinking about what Im doing i grab Angela by her collar and hold her up against a locker. "You know what Angela? What is it that you hate about me huh? Is it the fact that im better than you? Or is it that your just a litle beotch who cares about no one but herself?" I yell at her. "Um. None of the above. as if I would be jealous of you. All you are is a little whore who seems to be hooking up with other peoples boyfriends by second period. And if thats not enough why dont you go tell your b***h of a sister to go f**k her dad." Angela yells back. That does it. without warning i slam Angela into another locker and punch her in the face. I let go of her shirt and grab her neck and wrist. I then flip her over onto her back. She gets up and graps me by the throat and slams my hard into the ground. Wiping bood off her face i swear i saw her irises turn red and fangs in her mouth. She says to me,"You shouldnt have messed with me you little Varilist." She lets go off my throat and i look at her eyes again. They are back to their normal shade off ember green. She stands straight up and I lay there holding myself up with my elbows. Just then Daniel runs up and helps me up. "Are you ok? What the heck just happened?" he asks. I ignore his questions and he guides me back away from them.

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