Power Gods Revenge Of The Elites Peace was brung to earth for the gods but just years later havoc was back on earth. A powerful god who names his team the demon gods controlled all of his soldiers. He told them to destroy the gods of earth so he can be the only one left. Horenso had two more kids when hakusai and ninjin were born. Their names are yakitori.and higashi. He sent them off to training school for many years now they have made their return. Meanwhile hakusai and his family were having dinner. Hakusai says" hey everyone i think i've found a way to bring dad back." Okura says"but how he's dead just give it a rest hakusai." Hakusai says"no mom i've figured out a way and im going to go for it." Retasu says" awww come on hakusai stop bluffing i know your not that smart to give #life to a body,thats just ridiculous!" Hakusai says"shut up retasu you dont even know what your talking about you just think you know eveything!" Retasu says"do you wanna go outside because i'll sure be happy to shut your mouth for you!" Okura says" oh my these two have been fighting like this since they were kids!" Hakusai says"retasu you know you cant beat me so just give up!" Ninjin says" alright you two thats enough or i'll shut both of your mouths!" Hakusai says"come do it sis your not stronger than me anyway!" Hiyoshi says" come on guys stop your making a scene!"hakusai and retasu stands up from their seats. Yasi screams and tries to hold hakusai back. Shiru tries to hold retasu back. Yasi says"stop...stop...stop" very quietly until finally some kind of energy boost came from her hands as she screams"STOOOOP!" Hakusai and retasu falls on the floor looking shocked. Yasi says"thats enough you two it's time to chill out and have fun not fight SO SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" Hakusai says"OK SHEESH!" Okura says" we need to act like civilized people NOT ANIMALS!" They finish eating and then they all went home.retasu whispers to hakusai and says"this isn't over buster,you just signed a one way ticket to pain." Hakusai whispers" i'll be looking foward to it retasu,but your still not going to beat me." Retasu whispers" humph we'll see about that." Hakusai whispers" indeed we will." Then they part ways.they all fly away. Just as hakusai and his family was entering the house,two power gods were approaching. Hakusai hollered"who's there show yourselves!" Yakitori and higashi showed theirselves. Hakusai says"who are you two" they both say their names hakusai says"well if your looking for trouble i'm all for it " yakitori says" no we do not seek trouble, we are looking for a power god that goes by the name of hakusai." Hakusai says" i'm him and what do you want with me?"Higashi asks" can we come in and sit down and talk?"Hakusai says"sure come in and sit." Higashi asks"do you know a powerful legend that goes by the name horenso?" Hakusai says"yes that's my father he's dead now." Yakitori says" well we are his children,and your our brother." Hakusai says"no thats not true your liers." Higashi says" listen long ago when we were all born we stayed together. When we got older we trained,well dad said me and yakitori wasn't strong enough so he sent us to training school. For years we wondered what you may have looked like. We had to stay there for dad, but when we heard he died we traveled looking for you. You cant remember but i'm your little sister and yakitori is your big brother." Hakusai says" now i remember...we played with each other when dad would sometimes leave." Higashi asks"umm where's mom i would like to see her." Hakusai yelled out"MOM YOU HAVE GUESTS LOOKING FOR YOU!" Okura yells"I'LL BE OUT IN A QUICK SECOND!" Okura walks out and says"who's looking for me then she looked over and she paused." Higashi and yakitori stands up. Okura runs to them and hugs them. Okura says" aww my baby girl and my son their home oh i wish horenso was here to see this." Ninjin comes out and says"whats all of the yelling for people." And she looked she asks"who are you people?" Higashi says"i'm your little sister and this is yakitori your older brother." Ninjin says"wow i did not know i had other siblings that's a back breaker aww man i have another brother that's going to annoy me that sucks."Okura asks" um do you two have anywhere to stay?" They say"no m'am." Okura says" you two can stay here then."hakusai says"i want you two to meet my family." He hollers" YASI COME IN HERE FOR A SECOND!" Yasi yells"I DONT FEEL LIKE IT IM SLEEPY!" Hakusai yells"GET IN HERE WOMAN I HAVE SOMEONE FOR YOU TO MEET!" Yasi yells"OK IM COMING YOUR ALWAYS BOTHERING PEOPLE!" She walks in and yells"WHAT DO YOU WANT BOY." And kinoko and daizu walked in.Hakusai says"yakitori this is my wife yasi and this is my son daizu and my son kinoko and this little joy is my daughter shirako." Daizu says"please to meet you sir." Kinoko says" i don't know you." Shirako tugs at higahsi's leg and says"who are you lady." Higashi says"im your auntie higashi."Yasi says"honey who are these people." Hakusai says" this is yakitori my older brother and this is higashi my younger sister." Yasi says" oh im sorry please to meet you." Higashi walks over and hugs yasi and says" your nice and pretty and she screams out "i cant believe i have sister in-law i'm so excited!" Yakitori says"she does this when she's excited." Okura says" ok everyone we'll celebrate all of this tomorrow." Everyone went to bed. The next day came and everyone was still sleep. Okura was up cooking breakfest. Higashi got up and put on her clothes and went into the kitchen and said"goodmorning mom." Okura says"goodmorning how did you sleep last night." Higashi says"just fine im just ready for a little action." Just as they were talking hakusai got up and said"goodmorning everyone." Yakitori got up and said"hakusai what do you say you show me what you got in battle." Hakusai says"ok i've been dying to have a good competition around here." They went to the battlefield and they stood there. Yakitora says"come on little brother show me what you got." Hakusai says"ok no holding back." Hakusai flies forward very fast he throws a punch. Yakitori dodges it and strikes hakusai in the stomach. Hakusai falls down holding his stomach. Hakusai got up and throwed punches and kicks at yakitori,but yakitori dodged them all. Yakitori throws punches and kicks back,but hakusai dodges them. Hakusai punches yakitori in tha face and he flew back. Yakitori flew foward and kicked hakusai and he felled. Hakusai screams out" ok no more games this is where u go down!" Hakusai transforms into a power god. Yakitoru said" i see hakusai you to have this power like dad had oh well i guess i'll do it to." Yakitori transformed into a power god. Hakusai came forth and they both threw a punch a split formed in the ground. Hakusai used a deathball and yakitori blew it away in the air with great power. They both came forth and fought. They throwed punches kicks and blasts. Yakitori said"not bad little bro but your still not strong enough." Hakusai says"you want to change that statement?" Yakitori says" just what are you up to?" Hakusai transforms into a power god 2. Yakitori is shocked. He powers up and flies at hakusai he punches him and put him in the ground. Hakusai got back up and said"is that all you got i thought you would be stronger than that?" Yakitori used a powerful blast. It hits hakusai. Yakitori said" i thought you were stronger than that hakusai." Hakusai says" oh thats nothing wait until you see my other form." Hakusai transforms into a legend god2.Hakusai says"only a few has pushed me to this kind of madness." Yakitori was speechless but he got scared and said"i give up you win your stronger than me." The boys power down and fly back home. Okura was laying on the floor with the house trashed. The boys ranned to her and said" mom what happened." Okura said"the elites attacked they have new people and they trashed the house and higashi is gone."Hakusai asks"where's yasi and shirako." Okura said"the elites kidnapped them i tried to hold them off but i couldn't." Ninjin said"lets go im waiting for action."Hakusai powers up to a power god 2 and flies off. Yakitori powers up to a power god. And flies to catch up with hakusai. Ninjin said"we'll be back mom."Yakitori says" hakusai wait up where are we going." Hakusai says"we're going to dad's grave to dig him up and take him to the water of #life." They arrive at the grave and they dig up horenso. They took his body and flew off with it. They arrived at the water of #life they threw his body in. The water god said "it would take a few hours for it to work,but when he comes out he will come directly to you." Hakusai says" ok thank you water god." They fly off to the new and improved elites H.Q. They fight off the soldiers. Then they get into the main entrance. They see yasi and shirako locked in a cell. Yasi says"guys the key is on the table right there." Hakusai grabs the key and unlocks his family. And then unadon and himono and sunomono came in.hakusai says"follow us if u wanna fight." They fly off to the battle ground. They just stand there looking at each other. Retasu says"so are we gonna fight or sit here and stare at each other?" Hakusai if your staring that much maybe you should take a picture." Hakusai says"retasu you take that guy ninjin you take the girl and i'll take the big one." Retasu flies forth himono punches retasu. Himono uses a elite blast and retasu uses a god blast. The powers combine. Retasu tries to hold it but himono was too powerful and his blast hit retasu. He flies back into the rocks not even moving. Ninjin transforms into a super god and flies at sunomono and punches her. Sunomono uses a laser blast and hits ninjin. Ninjin gets angry and starts pumbling sunomono.Hakusai looks. Hakusai rushes to unadon. Unadon throws a punch and hakusai dodges it and throws a powerful punch and it sent unadon flying. Unadon took some elite pills. Unadon got bigger and stronger. Hakusai transforms into a legend god. They both fight for a while but undon throws a blast and it hits hakusai. Hakusai transforms into a legend god2. He flies foward and gives unadon a hard punch to the face. Unadon's head turns but he looks back at hakusai and he kicks hakusai. Hakusai uses a ultimate god blast. Unadon blows a powerful wind and blows it away. Hakusai says"your not unbeatable im going to kill you unadon and bring peace to earth again. He threw a lightning blast at unadon but just before it almost hit him himono jumps in and blocks it. But it was time hakusai was holding back. Hakusai says" i was holding back i wasnt giving you all of my power." Unadon says" me either but your still going to die." Just as hakusai was about to speak horenso arrived on the battleground. Horenso says" hakusai im proud of you son you've been the man of this family every since i been gone but this is not your battle this is mines." Horenso lands on the ground he powers up to a power god2. Horenso moved foward with lightning fast speed and punched himono. And unadon got involved. Hakusai powered up but horenso told him to stay back. Horenso used a lightning wave but unadon dodges it and kicks horenso in the stomach.Unadon picked him up and squeezed him. Hakusai walked foward but horenso told him to stay back. He stood back. Horenso was screaming looking for a way out. Hakusai walked foward again. Horenso says"stay back hakusai."Hakusai says"NO I WONT STAND IT ANYMORE!" Hakusai positioned himself and thunder clashed wind was blowing very hard and lightning struck. A lightning bolt struck hakusai and he screamed and he transformed into a legend god3.He flew forth and punched unadon horenso felled and then hakusai says" you never SHOULDVE PUSHED ME THIS FAR!" Unadon looked shocked. Hakusai punched him back and forth until he killed him. Himono threw a small power ball. Hakusai Turned around and beat him and blasted him. Ninjin was still fighting sunomono.They threw punches and kicks until finally ninjin blasted her away into space. Ninjin says"dad your back we've missed you."Horenso says" i've missed you to ninjin." Hakusai powers down horenso said"i thought i told you to stay back but i see you have the almighty power of a legend god." Hakusai says"i have it because i trained all the time you were gone. everyday i sweated i worked hard and i trained with the other gods." Horenso says" son you are stronger than me you've made me proud my son." Retasu wakes up and says"horenso when did you get here?" Horenso says"right after you got knocked out cold." Retasu says"are you trying to make a fool out of me." Horenso says"mmmm yes". Retasu says"humph."They all fly back home and okura runs to horenso and says" aww horenso i've missed you." Horenso says"i've missed you to okura and where are my grandboys." Daizu says" grandpa is it really you." Horenso says" yes daizu and where is kinoko." Kinoko says"right here grandpa." Horenso says" you boys have grown." Higashi and yakitori walks in and they run to horenso. Horenso says" i've missed you guys you've all grown up." Shirako runs in and says"who are you mister." Horenso says"i am your grandfather." Shirako says" oh it very nice to meet you grandpa." Daizu says" kinoko why didnt you train like i told you, you are still weak." Kinoko punches daizu in the face.his nose started bleeding horenso says" boys thats no way to welcome your grandpa back home." Daizu says" kinoko this way if you want to fight." They fly off into the water battleground. Everyone follows. Kinoko goes a power god. He flies at daizu. He punches daizu daizu flies back. Kinoko uses a lightning god blast and hits daizu. His shirt comes off. Kinoko says" thats all you got daizu." Daizu says"no your still too weak." Kinoko says" i'll show you." Kinoko powers up. The whole planet was shaking. Daizu says"kinoko stop the world is going to blow if you keep this up."Kinoko let off a powerful blast. Daizu took it head on. He couldnt hold it so he transformed into a power god." He knocked it out of space.kinoko rushed towards daizu and daizu kicked him back. They both traded power until daizu hit kinoko. Daizu was beating him back and forth. Kinoko was preparing a god blast. Daizu was preparing a lightning blast. And hakusai teleported in the middle of it. He held out both of his hands and said"stop im not going to let you two blow up the earth." Meanwhile at retasu's home. Retasu was training and tatsu walked in and said"dad hakusai just called and said that daizu and kinoko were fighting he said kinoko maybe stronger than me dad." Retasu says"humph kinoko dosent have the god blood in him like his grandfather and hakusai. We are the three strongest heroes in the universe. Kinoko has amazing power but he dosent have the god in him to cause him to push his power further beyond. Get dressed we're going over there. Shiru walks in and says" hey were are you two going. Retasu says" we're going to hakusai's house." Shiru says" oh wait let me get my things and natto because im going too." Just minutes later they fly over to hakusai's house. Retasu screams"whats going on here." Hakusai says"the boys were fighting but you missed it." Retasu says" i got word that kinoko could maybe be stronger than tatsu." Hakusai says" yeah maybe kinoko has amzing power but him and diazu haven't awoken yet." Retasu says" neither has tatsu he's been slacking." Hakusai says"yeah i know what you mean." Just then back at ochazuke's lair he made kushiyaki and chirashi and kakuni go to the streets to destroy it. Daizu and kinoko and tatsu got dressed in battle clothes. Daizu says"dad let us handle this one." Hakusai says" sure son but we'll be watching on this magic ball if you're in trouble we're coming." Daizu says"ok dad." The boys fly off into the battle ground. Kushiyaki says"my we have attracted some young boys." Chirashi says" they'll be dead soon so no worries." Kakuni says" you boys sure wont stick around long." All of the boys go into a power god kinoko goes for kakuni. Tatsu goes for chirashi. And daizu goes for kushiyaki daizu throws a punch kushiyaki blocks it. Daizu tries to kick but misses. Kushiyaki throws a punch and misses daizu. Daizu throws a kick and hits kushiyaki in the stomach. Kushiyaki dissappeared behind daizu and hits him with a very quick powerful blow to the head. Daizu got hit and fell and his god form went to a normal form. Tatsu throws a barrage of kicks and punches and chirashi dodges them all. She goes invisiable and tries to hit tatsu but he dodges it. She throws a kick and hits him very hard and knocked him to normal form. Kinoko powers to full power. Kakuni rushes at him he throws a barrage of punches and kicks and hits kinoko. Meanwhile hakusai says"boys what are you doing thats no way to fight you have to be stronger than what you are." Retasu says" tatsu what are you doing you were suspose to dodge all of her hits son." Meanwhile daizu gets up and throws a barrage of punches and kicks at kushiyaki. He hits him very hard. But kushiyaki hits him with a scorpion death blast. His shirt tears and so does half of his pant leg. Tatsu gets up and gets punched. Kinoko was getting beat. Daizu gets up and says"stop this." Kushiyaki says"you have a lot of guts but your no match for me kid." Daizu was powering up and his eyes were turning white he said" last time stop this or die."kushiyaki laughs and says" hit them harder." Kinoko gets blasted away. Daizu hollers" THATS MY BROTHER YOU BASTARD!" Daizu awakeings.his eyes were white. His hair was spikey and his muscles were bigger.meanwhile hakusai says" thats it son push it put all of your energy into it let all of your anger boil over. NOW,LET IT GO. Meanwhile daizu was transforming.he transformed into a power god2. Daizu rushed at kushiyaki and kicked him into a building. Daizu rushes at him and punched him into the ground. Kushiyaki punched back but it didnt faze daizu. Daizu gave him a barrage of punches and blasted him away. Kinoko got up and powered up.his energy bursted into a power god2. Kinoko punched kakuni and kicked him in mid air and hammered him down underneath the ground. They flew in the ground throwing punches back and forth until kinoko uppercutted him. Kakuni flew up and kinoko teleported behind him and blasted him away. Tatsu gets up and his anger inside awoken and he transformed into a power god2. He rushed at chirashi she kicks him but he came again and punched her in the gut she bent over and tatsu kicked her in her chin and made her fly up. Chirashi did a devil blast and tatsu used a god power ball. The two blasts connected and tatsu put more anger into the blast and blasted chirashi away. The boys power down,and fly back home. Hakusai says" that was awsome boys nice work im proud of all three of you." Retasu says" tatsu good job but you were gettin pumbled out there son,train harder and you'll be like your dear old dad." Meanwhile back at the lair ochazuke blasted into a great anger and destroyed everything in his lair. Meanwhile back at hakusai's house higashi was training very hard and she sensed some power. The elites attacked she held them off but they beat her she hollered and ninjin came to her aid. She did a instant super god transformation. She got her katana sword and beat all of the elites. Ninjin powered down and the girls went in the house. Meanwhile at retasu's house tatsu and retasu were training together. Shiru was cooking dinner. She looked out the window. She turned around and a elite was staring right in front of her. He tried to strangle her. Retasu was waiting at the door he said" i see u got in without my attention now let her go before i kill you." The elite said" well get to killing." The elite turned around to yasi her eyes were about to close. Then he turned around again and retasu was in his face and he punched the elite. The soldier flew into the wall and landed outside. Retasu went outside and blasted him in the air. He went back in the house ninjin was on the floor. Retasu kneeled and said"come on shiru get up you'll be fine." Shiru got up and punched retasu. Retasu says"ouch what was that for woman." Shiru hollers out"THAT'S FOR STALLING I COULD'VE DIED RIGHT THEN AND YOU TOOK THE LONGEST TO BEAT THAT ELITE!" Retasu says" oh U COULDVE JUST SAID THAT INSTEAD OF PUNCHING ME!" Shiru hollers"WELL IM SORRY." Tatsu walked in and said" stop yelling dad or i'll beat you in battle." Retasu laughs and says"humph i'll love to see you try son,those are some bold words." Tatsu says"follow me and i'll show you." Retasu follows and the gods stand off. Retasu says"there's no backing out now son." Tatsu says"oh im not your going to be the one to back out." Retasu transforms into a legend god. Tatsu transform into a power god2. Tatsu flew to retsau and throwed a barrage of punches and kicks. He gave it all he had. He finally hit retasu in the face. Retasu flies back into a rock. Retasu gets up. Retasu flies forth very quick,and throws punches and kicks. Tatsu does the same thing they go back and forth. Tatsu wins. Retasu is amazed at tatsu's power. Retasu let off a final bang bomb. Tatsu let off a super bang blast. The powers collide they hold the powers. But eventually tatsu wins the battle. Retasu gets up and says"that's great son but i wasnt at full power i was trying though its real good that you beat me but it'll never happen again." Tatsu says"yeah right dad." The gods fly home and goes to bed. Meanwhile at hakusai's home. Higashi was training very hard in the backyard. And shirako came outside. Shirako says"auntie higashi." Higashi says"yes dear." Shirako says" i was wondering if you could train me i want to be strong just like my dad." Higashi says" awww sure shirako. Ok first you do your fighting stance." Shirako does her fighting stance. Higashi says"ok good now you start fighting me." Shirako says"ok." Shirako runs at higashi she throws a punch and then a kick. Higashi dodges them. Shirako keeps throwing punches and kicks. Higashi keeps dodging them all. Higashi says"very good your learning shirako." Shirako stops and says" now i want to become a super god." Higashi laughs and says" shirako you have a long way ahead of you. You have to keep training and become stronger." Shirako says" aww ok but how long would it take." Higashi says" a few years but dont rush it you'll be a super god before you know it." Shirako says" no im going to try it now." Higashi says" wait." Shirako powers up she went to full power. She tried so hard, but she fell to her knees and said" i gave it everything i had but i couldnt transform." Higashi says" you have to keep practicing shirako remember practice makes perfect." Shirako says"ok." They went into the house and went to sleep. The night went by. Horenso was out in the yard training,and so was shirako. Shirako was giving her training all she had. Pretty soon she was gettin very good. Shirako was training hard at a very young age. She trained all day that day. Horenso was training very hard to except his ribs were a little sore. He went in the house and sat down. Shirako was still training. Hiyoshi walked in the house and said" wow i really cant believe it's you." Horenso says"well believe it its me." Hiyoshi says" i want you to be my trainer." Horenso says" ok i'll be your trainer you just have to keep practicing." Hiyoshi says"ok master." Horenso says" oh master i like that." Shirako was outside still training. She was determined to be the youngest super god. Shirako says" im going to be the youngest super god and nobody is going to stop me." Ninjin came out and said"shirako what are you doing." Shirako says"training to be a super god like you." Ninjin laughs and says"sweetheart it takes time to be a super god." Shirako says" i know aunt higashi already told me." Ninjin says" oh well you keep practicing." Shirako says"wait i want to show you something." Ninjin turns around and watches. Shirako positioned herself and powered up and screamed.Thunder clashed,wind blowed,and lightning struck. A bolt went into her and she screamed. Her hair started changing and so was her eyes. It caught everyones attention. Everybody ranned outside and saw her transform. Hakusai ranned to her and said" oh im so proud of you shirako." Then suddenly an explosion occured. It was tsukemono,chankonabe,amanatto,and sashimi. Hakusai says" retasu,higashi,and yakitori come with me." They say"right." Hakusai says"hiyoshi watch over my family along with my dad."They fly off to the battleground. Hakusai went to a legend god. Yakitori went into a power god. Higashi went into a super god. Retasu went into a legend god. The demon gods were kind of afraid but they still stood there. Hakusai flew for sashimi. Retasu flew for amanatto. Higashi flew for tsukemono. Yakitori flew for chankonabe. They all threw punches kicks and blasts but eventually the power gods won but it was a long battle. They all flew home battle damaged. They all got rest. Ninjin went to a store the next day when she met a guy his name was koyudo. He said" my your looking cute im sorry my names koyudo and your name is." Ninjin says" ninjin and how are you today." Koyudo says"im fine its a nice day out are you hungry." Ninjin says" yes." Koyudo says" do you want to go to dinner." Ninjin says" yes it sounds fun." Koyudo says"it is going to be fun." They walked to the restaraunt and sat down. Ninjin says" so do you come here often." Koyudo says"no i just happen to glance at it from time to time." Ninjin says" oh how delightful." So they sat and talked and ate. After a few months they were married with a son. His name was temaki. Meanwhile retasu was playing with his son who is now five years old. Natto says"dad when can i become a power god like you and tatsu." Retasu says"son you have to be a little bit older and stronger." Natto said"ok." Meanwhile hakusai and horenso was leaving everybody. Hakusai says" guys retasu,dad,and i are going to go train with the other gods. Okura says"again hakusai." Hakusai says" i have to if i want to get stronger. Daizu i want you to be earths protector."Horenso says"come on son we have to get going." They fly off. They stop by retasu's house to pick him up. Retasu says"tatsu take care of your mother and brother im going away for a while." Tatsu says"ok dad." They fly off to the great mountains. Meanwhile daizu says"guys dad and grandpa are gone so if i want to get stronger i think its best if i go. So kinoko watch the world and please get stronger for me." Daizu flies off in a hurry to catch up with his father. Daizu says"dad wait up im coming to i also want to get stronger." Hakusai says" wait who's watching over everyone kinoko,hiyoshi,and uncle yakitori." Hakusai says"ok i guess thats fine." Once again the earth was brung to peace. The gods beat all of the demon gods. But they left out one foe and he is the supreme god of all of the demons and his name was ochazuke. Until next time of the power gods."
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