Oh i got all my fingers the knife goes chop chop chop and if i hit the space between my fingers with chop off and if i hit my fingers the blood will soon come out and all the same I PLAY this game cuz thats whats all about! Oh chop chop chop chop chop chop chop im picking up my speed and if i hit my fingers then MY hand will start to BLEED. Yeah i know i do the knife song and im only 7 and im not allowed but dont worry i only do it with my pen with the lid on ;) its for MY safety and who those guys who thought i was gonna chop my fingers off im not that stupid to do that otherwise ill be going to the hospital D; ive seen so many videos that people have been failed at it i feel sorry for them D; poor them but anyways im safe ;) wait why the fuck are you on my profile!?!?!?!?!
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