Patty Walters Inspired Why not add a little bit of edge to the world? Take something innocent, And change it into a polar opposite? Take a lullaby, And add some pop/punk to it? Take a risk, And sing a screamo cover, Of a Disney song?
read more...Patty Walters Inspired Why not add a little bit of edge to the world? Take something innocent, And change it into a polar opposite? Take a lullaby, And add some pop/punk to it? Take a risk, And sing a screamo cover, Of a Disney song?
read more...I Love You I love you. You fixed my heart, When it was broken to pieces. You mended me. You fixed me. I love you. You are one of the few people who actually care. That means so much to me. You are my world, and without you, Just imagine where I would be. I'll give you a hint, It wouldn't be on this planet. I love you. You saved my #life. When I was drowning in sorrow, You saved me. When I was in over my head, You helped me get through it. I could go on with reasons Why I love you, But this #poem would take you an awful long time to read. My point is, I Love You.
read more...Goodbye I erased you from my #life. You don't need me, You don't love me. Why should I keep you in my #life? Is there a reasonable reason? No? That, my friend, is why I am forgetting you. I am forgetting you, and everything you have done to me. People like you shouldn't be here. People like you should not exist, Because you are cruel. Your words, they hurt. Your opinion is irrelevant, You don't care for anyone, And you are selfish. You are hated by many, And I am one of the many. Do you understand How much you hurt me? Here, imagine this: The love of your #life, Pretends to love you back. Plays with your heart, Your emotions, And then leaves you, Because, to be honest, you meant nothing to them. That is how you have made me feel. So, this is goodbye. Forever.
read more...The Change Light Brings As I woke up this morning, The first thing I saw Was the sun rising. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It reminded me of #life, And how good it is. How bad things happen, But there is always something there to fix it. How we try to give up, But instead, we choose to fight on. It reminded me of spotlight, And how some people gained their fame in the spotlight. Light changes things, and how we see them. Light brings positivity, and #life. And that, is how I started my day.
read more...This Is My #life You don't control me. You don't run my #life. You can't judge me by my looks, You don't know what I've been through. You think you know me? Yeah, you definitely know my story, And my personality, And of course you know what I've been through. I've been through hell and back, And you don't care. It's not your problem, Is it? No, it's mine. I'll deal with it. But you know what makes that hard? You. You make it hard, all the judging, It hurts. So, please stop. Because I want to fight my problems, And I can't do it with you in the way.