What's up? I am deaf, and my name is Bay. I don't look anything like Vanessa Marano, ( for this if you who have seen Switched at Birth ). I quite lonely, and quiet. I don't take speech therapy, and I love my culture. I have straight dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, deaf (like I said!), love to watch movies (with subtitles!), love to read, write, and I have a motorcycle (again, nothing to do with Switched at birth). My motorcycle: black Harley. Nothing mire to it than that. I play on a chess team. Not my favorite thing ever. Am 19. And I majored in computer technology. (and other technology stuff!!!!) I have a boyfriend ALSO STRANGELY ENOUGH named Emmett. If you guys need any more info which I doubt, just ask! And no question is a bad question. I will answer Amy question you have, no matter what it is.
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