Misfits Chapter 1 I first open my eyes when we arrive at our destination; seeing things go by in that speed makes me uncomfortable. Our destination is a white building with three floors that are partly covered in plants that surrounds the windows and are taking over a green door in the left side of the building. If I turn my head I can see the never ending ocean that hungrily licks the beach and collides with some big rocks that grows bigger in the distance. If I look back I can see tall light green trees that continue as far as I can see and I front of the trees there's nothing else but yellowish green fields. "Lena," My mum close the heavy car door and put a hand on my shoulder. She's looking at me, it's like I can feel her eyes in the back of my head. My mum is one if the few people I am comfortable with touching. I used to have this one friend, I can't remember her name, she's nothing but a blurry memory now. But except for my mother, she was the only person I was fine with touching and creating eye contact with. We weren't more than eight years old and then she moved away and transferred school so that was the end of our friendship and I've not felt like wanting to befriend other people since then. Besides, I don't believe anybody likes me very much and if someone is nice to me it's because of sympathy. "Let's go inside, it's freezing our here." My mum were still standing behind me and my father was already at the door. The last thing I want to do is go inside. I nod and follow my mum down a small path that leads to the house. We enter the white building and hang our coats in the entrée. The next room is big and looks like a living room with the many armchairs and the big fireplace. There's big windows that shows my reflection and I immediately turn away.
Draco Malfoy
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