перевести   12 лет назад

Misfits Prologue The idea for this story just popped into my head and I have no idea how. But I'm kinda into this idea, so I would suggest you keep reading... Prologue: My mum always told me that I was special. And I knew that I was. I have never in my #life understood other people. And neither has anyone ever understood me. When I got older my parents realized that I maybe was too special for my own good. Then everyone started treating me like I was 'different' - like I needed to get other people explain the world to me; like they expected me to question everything which resulted in me getting nursed 24-7 like a four year old. I got helping classes after school and I got a psychiatric to help me. But obviously it didn't make any difference with all the extra classes or long afternoons in the school psychiatric's dusty office. And when I turned 13 my parents decided to take me out of school, they said it was the best for me and my own safety. I think it was my own fault; I often got send home from school and don't get me started on grades. Yes, I know I'm not like everyone else, but I'm trying to be and I think I have improved. Apparently, I was finally diagnosed but I can't remember the fancy name of the 'disease' I have.

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