Opuss The app I used to love, I now don't This app isn't what it used to be, It used to be full of supportive people, Not caring what you were writing about, Whether it was a rant about your mum, Or a story about a far away land, It would of been read, Commented and liked, But now it's just full of harsh comments, You shouldn't write that, You shouldn't write this, It's the 21st century people! Fanfic is a type of fiction now, People will never understand, So good bye Opuss, Unless you change soon I will be gone, And I hope someone noticed
#life #life is mean, #life is cruel, #life can ruin everything, You may want to end it, But remember, Your on this earth for a reason, No one knows that reason, But you'll find out eventually, For those who cut, Or think about death, Please don't do it, This world has lost to many, Your pretty, your beautiful, Even if you don't think it, Someone loves you, Your #life is not meant to end here, So put the blade down, Throw away the pills, Wash away the blood, The scars won't fade, Neither will the memories, But #life is what you make it, Don't make it bad for yourself, Be you and people will love you for it
I Just Gotta Get On With It #depression, That horrible monster that stalks you, Who just won't go away, He'll leave for a day or two, But he'll come and kick you, Shouting I'm back! You'll go home, Cry, Relieve pain, But it never gets better, You just gotta get on with it.
Im Scared I'm scared of singing in public I love singing but I'm scared of what people think Of me for doing it, that's why I don't tend to sing I'm just scared. I'm scared of being judged, Scared of being picked on because of it, But I want to be known for singing, I want to be heard, I don't want to be picked on for something I love, I just want people to understand that, I want to make a job out of music, singing if I can, I stopped my videos because I was getting judged And picked on, music is my #life and no one can change that, I want to do videos, I want to sing and not get picked on, I want to be free to be me. I'm so scared that I can't upload anymore, I've stopped completely, I even attempted doing a video but stopped myself from uploading, I want to be able to upload, I want to be able to entertain people, My #life dream is to sing and entertain people, I want to be able to do that. Even if I have to do it on my own.
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Chloe Beckett
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