Translate   10 years ago

Im Scared I'm scared of singing in public I love singing but I'm scared of what people think Of me for doing it, that's why I don't tend to sing I'm just scared. I'm scared of being judged, Scared of being picked on because of it, But I want to be known for singing, I want to be heard, I don't want to be picked on for something I love, I just want people to understand that, I want to make a job out of music, singing if I can, I stopped my videos because I was getting judged And picked on, music is my #life and no one can change that, I want to do videos, I want to sing and not get picked on, I want to be free to be me. I'm so scared that I can't upload anymore, I've stopped completely, I even attempted doing a video but stopped myself from uploading, I want to be able to upload, I want to be able to entertain people, My #life dream is to sing and entertain people, I want to be able to do that. Even if I have to do it on my own.

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