Reflecting On Light Canopy of stars, ethnic colours and rustic dreams I look at you but you look through me. Beauty hidden in the night of familiarity ? Shards of glass, reflecting spectrums like stars . I look up, always above .Your light reaches down to caress the grey. Smoke of incense rises and dances in the light. Unrequited prayers, reggae and the hope of a #lifetime more. Incense better left without ignition,kindle in the homely grey. Such knowledgable height is lofty, I cannot attain it. Hammer the light through the dark, I will watch from afar . #thoughts #love #reflections #stars #confusion
Benavides Black dogs screeching in the night The hiss of a snake, cursed on his belly. He slides past my window, cricket sings. Foul stench of Amazonian water. Insect,insect! Tower of Babel separation, desperation , isolation. Dark faces seek out blue eyes. Eager hands graze past mine. Copper roads to the rainforest lead. Bowls of copper, splitter splatter. In the hammock sway back and forth. Strange parrot beckons eyes to blue. Impoverished paradise . For all this contradiction, Obrigada !
Urban Legend Green land of reflected light. The safe guard of epiphany, The refracted glimmers of hope. Hope ? The urban legend of tomorrow. Bound away are the promises of yesterday. Green, fertile plain , so bright , so dutiful. How long has summer withheld it's rays ? Instead , tempest and soil saturation . Water logged clay, permeated in black . "Observe the forecast! "I can hear their howls. The black dogs of cumulus . Cloudy with a chance of rain. What of the crop?" You reap what you sow." Seeds scattered and lost to the imbued imagination. Buried photosynthesis, strangled in the void. Push forth your chaos, over produce . Thistle and weed ,all beauty abound. Raw, eccentric and real . To the greens keeper You scream "Pick me, pick me " Hope in compost abounds . Together at last . Humus of the earth , condition the destitute. Rich in the nutrients of #life . Naked you entered, naked you return. Hope ? #hope #questions #faith #life #meaning #purpose #love
Tracks Interlacing Gentle quivers of #life Pushing forward, Electrified and propelled. We are watching for now As the off peak passengers of this great western C2C service. Tracks ,interlacing like lovers embracing, making love and melody until separation . This is #life ,together at last until abstracted by diverged destination. Observe through nebulant window The tracks of #life unchanging. Observe at the distance trains in motion. The catabatic hostility of speed. How I desire you , in all your hostility ! To move along my own track. No longer an off peak passenger, Fuelled by the zest of continuance . Omnipotent wanderer , The truly engaged, #life enthusiast . Colour spectrums through nebulant windows on this C2C service to London Paddington. Royal Oak to surpassed excellence . Foggy innovations and cruel longing, you have now reached your destination. #life #wanderlust #desire #longing
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